November 28 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest revolutionaries of all times, Fredrick Engels. Born the son of a factory owner in Barmen, Germany, Engels, along with his comrade and friend Karl Marx, made immense contributions to the struggle for emancipation of the working class. In the U.S. today, monopoly capitalism has revealed itself a corrupt and criminal system that is unable to meet the needs of the vast majority of people. It rewards the wealthy with fabulous profits and unimaginable riches. As a result, there is renewed interest in socialism.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) demands Israel immediately release Khitam Saafin, the president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, who has been jailed without charge or trial. Saafin was taken into custody on November 2 along with six other Palestinian human rights activists. Her imprisonment is another in the long list of crimes by the callous and cruel Zionist occupiers of Palestine.
The October Revolution and some lessons for the struggle for socialism in the U.S.
To mark the anniversary of the October Revolution – by our calendar Nov. 7, 1917 – Fight Back News Service is circulating the following paper by Freedom Road Socialist Organization.The October Revolution and some lessons for the struggle for socialism in the U.S.
El mundo está observando cómo los americanos votan por la derrota de Trump y de la agenda Republicana de racismo, discriminación, y opresión. Por supuesto, el sistema ya engañó a los americanos en 2016. Trump perdió el voto popular pero fue declarado presidente de los EEUU por el sistema elitista del Colegio Electoral. Ahora Donald Trump amenaza con robar las elecciones de nuevo, tratando de mentir, engañar, y robar su camino de regreso a la Casa Blanca.
The world is watching as Americans vote to defeat Trump and the Republican agenda of racism, discrimination and oppression. Of course, the system already cheated the American people back in 2016. Trump lost the popular vote but was declared U.S. president by the elitist Electoral College system. Now Donald Trump threatens to be at it again, trying to lie, cheat and steal his way back into the White House.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following declaration demanding the release of Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad). Freedom Road Socialist Organization is one of the signers.
Across the country the U.S. government is unleashing a wave of repression attempting to criminalize those who protest against police killings of Black men and other oppressed people. We call on people to resist the repression and to build towards revolution by organizing more mass protests and joining groups like the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
The Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the repression of the people's movement that occurred in Denver, Colorado on September 17. Six organizers were arrested at their homes, in parking lots, and while driving. All six were active leaders in protests calling for justice for Elijah McClain and other victims of police brutality. Four of those arrested are members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and all are facing trumped-up charges including inciting a riot, kidnapping and theft. These charges are absolutely bogus and are obviously designed to try to crush dissent and silence the movement against police crimes in Denver. We stand in unwavering solidarity with these activists and salute their hard work in building this movement.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization stands with working people on the West Coast who are threatened by the massive wildfires that have taken scores of lives. Dozens more are missing and feared dead and thousands of homes were destroyed. We encourage FRSO members in California, Oregon and Washington to assist in whatever way possible in efforts that ensure the safety of your neighbors and contribute to pro-people recovery efforts. It is important to combat the fear mongering around the fires that is happening in the service of a cynical right-wing political agenda.
President Trump is a right-wing reactionary and dangerous fool to boot. He promotes an agenda of racism, inequality and discrimination. He puts kids in cages and then laughs about it. From Palestine to the Philippines he has shown himself to be an enemy of the peoples of the world, including those of us who live in the United States. Trump’s talk about “America First” is chauvinist trash, a banner under which to enrich the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. The trash needs to be taken out, as soon as possible, and this November at the latest.