Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Fight Back! Editors

By Fight Back! Editors

The election of Donald Trump as president unleashed a wave of anti-immigrant policies: the Muslim travel ban, restricting refugees, preparing to build a wall on border with Mexico, and ending Temporary Protective Status for hundreds of thousands of Caribbean and Central Americans. The Trump administration is stepping up raids and workplace audits to deport even more immigrants and put them out of work and, last but not least, ending the Deferred Action for Child Arrival or DACA program, putting some 700,000 youth raised in this country at risk of deportation.


By Fight Back! Editors

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May 15, 2018 marks the 70th year since al Nakba, or the Catastrophe, in Palestine. The Nakba refers to the day in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced out of their homes and off their land by Israeli troops, precipitating the creation of the colonial, apartheid state of Israel. Since then, the Israeli government and its military has continued their attempt to squeeze Palestine into submission. But this attempt has been futile, as recent events in Gaza have illustrated.


By Fight Back! Editors

La elección de Donald Trump hizo una ola de políticas antiinmigrantes: la prohibición musulmana de viajar, restringir a los refugiados, prepararse para construir una pared en la frontera con México y poner fin al Estatus de Protección Temporal para cientos de miles de caribeños y centroamericanos. La administración de Trump está intensificando las redadas y auditorías en lugares de trabajo para deportar a más inmigrantes y dejarlos sin trabajo y poner fin a la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia o el programa DACA, poniendo en riesgo a 700,000 jóvenes en este país deportación.

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By Fight Back! Editors

Hundreds march in Milwaukee against attacks launched by Trump administration.

Jacksonville, FL – Millions of people flocked to Washington D.C. for billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump's inauguration – but not in support of the new president. Instead, working people from across the U.S. marched against Trump's anti-worker, racist and misogynistic agenda. Crowd analysts believe more than three times as many people converged on the U.S. capitol to protest Trump than to support him. A day later, on Jan. 21, an estimated 5 million women and men took part in a Women's March nationwide, making it the largest single day of protest in U.S. history by some counts.


By Fight Back! Editors

The Trump administration has been discussing a proposal to mobilize up to 100,000 National Guard troops in the four states bordering Mexico (California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas) as well as seven more bordering these states (Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana). The National Guard would be used for a massive round-up and deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants, which Trump has pledged to do. The round-up would be based on Trump’s Jan. 25 executive order, which expands to the target of deportations to virtually at least eight of the 11 million undocumented.


By Fight Back! Editors

Ted Dooley

Minneapolis, MN – On Feb. 2 an outstanding lawyer for the people, Ted Dooley, passed away. Fight Back! extends our condolences to his family, many friends and all those who knew him through the struggles for peace, justice and equality.


By Fight Back! Editors

Minneapolis protest against Trump

The election of Donald Trump has unleashed a storm of righteous anger, as hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets in cities across the country, blocking major highways, surrounding Trump-owned office buildings, and upending ‘business as usual.’ Among a broad section of people who cherish peace, progress and equality there is a deep revulsion that grows every time Trump opens his mouth or tweets another piece of his reactionary agenda.


By Fight Back! Editors

The following editorial was distributed at the Nov. 24 protests in Minneapolis demanding justice for Jamar Clark. “The whole damn system is guilty as hell!” has been chanted at anti-police brutality protests around the country, and at the occupation of the Fourth Precinct in North Minneapolis this past week. It was proven true in the streets of North Minneapolis last night when white supremacists shot five anti-racist protesters in cold blood.


By Fight Back! Editors

The following statement from Fight Back! will be distributed at the Nov. 10, Milwaukee protest at the Republican presidential debates. The demonstration will take place at 5:30 pm outside the Milwaukee Theater, 500 W. Kilbourn Avenue. END THE WARS AND DEPORTATIONS!


By Fight Back! Editors

We think that it is a good thing that Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is running for president. Senator Sanders has attracted some of the largest crowds of any presidential candidate by hammering away at the growing income and wealth inequality in the U.S. He supports the $15 per hour minimum wage, a government single-payer health care program and has been a consistent opponent of so-called ‘free trade’ agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP.