Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Brad Sigal

By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis high school students protest ICE raids and deportations

Minneapolis, MN – Students from at least 12 Minneapolis and suburban high schools walked out of school, Jan. 20. at noon to protest the current wave of immigration raids and deportations happening around the country. After walking out, the students converged at Martin Luther King Park in south Minneapolis for food and an open mic where students spoke about their experience with family members and friends being deported. Students then left the park and marched down major Minneapolis streets including Nicollet Avenue and Lake Street.


By Brad Sigal

Dec. 19 march demanding justice for Jamar Clark.

Minneapolis, MN – Chanting, “If Jamar don’t get it, shut it down!” hundreds of people marched Dec. 19 in frigid weather from the Fourth Police Precinct in north Minneapolis to city hall demanding justice for Jamar Clark. Clark, a 24-year-old African American man, was shot in the head and killed by the Minneapolis police on Nov. 15 on Plymouth Avenue in north Minneapolis, sparking an 18-day encampment at the Fourth Precinct to protest his killing. Today’s march was the largest protest since police dislodged the occupation in front of the Fourth Precinct on Dec. 3.


By Brad Sigal

PAME brings aid to striking workers

Thessaloniki, Greece – Workers of ZOURAS Food Industry who have been on strike since Nov. 14 received solidarity from around the world at a rally and workers' assembly on Dec. 6. The workers are demanding a collective bargaining agreement, back pay and the rehiring of laid off workers.


By Brad Sigal

Participants in Greek general strike March.

Athens, Greece – More than 40,000 workers marched from Omonia Square to Syntagma Square in front of the Greek parliament Dec. 3 as part of a nationwide general strike against austerity measures.


By Brad Sigal

Tampa protest against the jailing of Central American children

Los Angeles, CA – The Legalization for All Network (L4A) hosted a National Week of Action to demand an end to the jailing of Central American children, also known as ‘family detention.’ Starting on Nov. 2 and ending Nov. 8, protests in cities across the country demanded an “End to Family Detention” and “Not One More Deportation.”


By Brad Sigal

Demand cutoff of U.S. military aid to Mexico

Twin Cities students rally in solidarity with Ayotzinapa.

Minneapolis, MN – Forty students and community members gathered in front of Coffman Student Union at the University of Minnesota, Sept. 25, to mark one year since 43 Mexican student activists from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College in Guerrero, México were forcibly disappeared at the hands of the Mexican government. A year later the students still have not been located.


By Brad Sigal

Stephanie Taylor (standing) of Freedom Road Socialist Organization speaking at T

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 people came together here, March 8, to celebrate International Women’s Day. The program included speakers from the trade union, welfare rights, student and anti-war movements.


By Brad Sigal

St. Paul, MN – La acción ejecutiva migratoria que se introdujo el pasado noviembre, la cual temporalmente detiene la deportación de millones de inmigrantes indocumentados y les otorga permiso de trabajo, debe considerarse como una victoria del movimiento por los derechos de los inmigrantes.

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By Brad Sigal

Students rally outside Morrill Hall while others occupy Pres. Kaler's office.

Minneapolis, MN – More than fifty students marched from Coffman Union to Morrill Hall today at noon. They marched to Morrill Hall, the administration building, to support a group of students that had started a sit-in in President Kaler’s office in Morrill. The students have a list of 8 demands and they have pledged to maintain the sit-in until President Kaler negotiates with them or they are arrested and removed.


By Brad Sigal

Gabriel Johnson-Ortiz (right) with veteran Chicano leader Carlos Montes.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people gathered January 30 to celebrate the life of Twin Cities activist Gabriel Johnson-Ortiz, who passed away Jan. 17 at age 34 after a four-and-a-half-year struggle with brain cancer. His passing is a great loss to his family, friends and comrades from a variety of progressive political and cultural movements.