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Veterans Day anti-war protest at OccupyMN

By staff

Jennie Eisert of the Anti War Committee and Sarah Martin of Women Against Milita Jennie Eisert of the Anti War Committee and Sarah Martin of Women Against Milita Jennie Eisert of the Anti War Committee and Sarah Martin of Women Against Military Madness leading chants at Nov. 11 anti war protest. (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Minneapolis, MN – About 150 gathered at People’s Plaza, the site of OccupyMN for a rally, Nov. 11, demanding “Money for human needs, not for war.” The protest, on Veteran’s Day, included speakers from Veterans for Peace, the Anti-War Committee, Women Against Military Madness, and others.

Marie Braun of the Twin Cites Peace Campaign told the crowd, “Just as the people of Afghanistan must decide their own future, so too it is we the American people, not the corporations and politicians who must decide our future.”

Angel Buechner of the Welfare Rights Committee stated “Because of the unjust wars abroad, poor people don’t have access to social programs here at home.”

Mick Kelly of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression told the rally, “The 1% is a tiny class made up the heads of corporations, the wealthy and the bankers. They have built an empire that spans the world for their own profits and the resort to repression at home.”

Kelly urged rally participants to resist any attempts to shut down OccupyMN on Monday, Nov. 14 and to participate in the national call in day to demand charges be dropped against Chicano anti-war activist Carlos Montes.

After the anti-war rally, members and supporters of Veterans for Peace began an Overnight Bivouac at People’s Plaza.

Nov. 11 anti war protest at OccupyMN Nov. 11 anti war protest at OccupyMN (Fight Back! News/Staff)

#MinneapolisMN #AntiwarMovement #AntiWarCommittee #WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness #VeteransForPeace #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyMN #VeteransDay

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