Supreme Court to hear ‘right to work’ Friederichs case
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Minneapolis, MN – The Supreme Court agreed today, June 30, to hear Friederichs vs. California Teachers Association, which aims to gut public sector unions and would make the public sector ‘right to work’ nationwide. The court will determine whether public sector unions can continue to collect so-called ‘fair share’ or ‘agency fees’ from non-members who benefit from the collective bargaining agreement negotiated by unions, and could overturn the landmark case Abood vs. Detroit Board of Education.
The court will take up the case when they return from recess in the fall, and may rule as early as first quarter of 2016.
After decades of legislative and judicial efforts aimed at weakening private sector unions, the right wing is stepping up its attacks on public sector unions.
Cherrene Horazuk, president of AFSCME 3800 – the clerical workers union at the University of Minnesota, said, “As long as workers have joined together in unions to fight for better wages, working conditions and the ability to work and live in dignity, the bosses have pushed the courts and lawmakers to restrict our rights and find ways to weaken our power.”
Horazuk continued, “Regardless of the outcome of this case, working people and our unions will continue to organize and fight to improve our conditions. Our strength does not come from what the law grants, but from our willingness to organize, to strike and to build solidarity among all workers.”
#MinneapolisMN #AFSCMELocal3800 #rightToWork #publicSectorUnions #CherreneHorazuk
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