Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Students rally against pro-Israel event at Loyola New Orleans

By Juleea Berthelot

Students gather with banner on sidewalk protesting Zionist event.  | Fight Back! News/Blu DiMarco

New Orleans, LA – On Saturday, February 24, students and community members gathered outside of Loyola University New Orleans to protest a pro-Israel event occuring on campus.

The event, titled “Hatikvah: Hope Reborn” celebrated the Israeli national anthem and had pictures of Israeli detainees on the auditorium seats. As students chanted phrases such as “One, two, three, four, occupation no more. Five, six, seven, eight, Israel is a terrorist state” and “We want justice, you say how? End the siege on Gaza now,” several attendees entering the building jeered, repeated Zionist lies, made antagonistic hand gestures, and screamed profanities at the protesters.

Protesters were emboldened by these failed attempts at intimidation and chanted even louder. Speakers constantly emphasized the illegitimacy of the Israeli state and denounced its crimes against Palestinians. “Palestine will live forever, and Zionism will come to an end!” cried Palestinian student and SDS member, Nour Saad, before reciting the Palestinian national anthem.

Several organizers bought tickets to the event beforehand, with the goal to attend and disrupt the Zionist propaganda display. Upon entering, the organizers were soon identified and barred from the event. Although these brave organizers were unsuccessful, they reported that, inside the venue, you could clearly hear protesters chanting.

Upon joining the protest outside, the team of disruptors spoke about the repression they faced inside. “For every child killed and every home demolished, Israel strays even further from the values it claims to represent. To say this is the Jewish state is to spit on Judaism itself. Judaism is love. Judaism is peace. Judaism is justice. Free Palestine and free Judaism from its desecration from the Israel state,” said a Jewish Tulane student and SDS organizer.

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