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Statues of slaveholders and reactionaries are coming down, while a statue of Lenin goes up

By staff

Newly erected statue of V.I. Lenin in front of the MLPD headquarters.

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD), erected a state of Lenin in front of their party headquarters in Gelsenkirchen, Germany on June 20. More than 1100 people took part in the event.

In her welcome speech, Gabi Fechtner, Party Chairwoman of the MLPD, declared, “I was often asked during the past weeks whether the erection of the statue was intended as a provocation. No, but perhaps it is the breaking of a certain taboo – the taboo that in this society one should not even talk about the achievements of socialism and about its representatives. For the sake of bringing down anti-communism’s reservations and bans on thinking, this day also is part of the movement 'Don’t give anti-communism a chance!'”

The event included classic and modern working-class and freedom songs. Messages of greetings came from all over the world.

The message from Freedom Road Socialist Organization said in part, “Here in the U.S., statues of slaveholders and reactionaries are being torn down. Everything reactionary is certain to fall. The downfall of our rulers is historically inevitable. We find it inspiring that in Germany, communists are unveiling a statue of Lenin for all to see. We join you in looking forward to a bright future.” The entire message can be read here

#Germany #PeoplesStruggles #Lenin #Socialism

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