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“No Peace for the War-Makers”: Protest set for day 4 of RNC

By staff

St. Paul, MN – Standing in front of the Xcel Center, the Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee held a press conference July 23 announcing plans for a massive demonstration on Sept. 4, the final day of the Republican National Convention. Plans for Sept. 4 include a rally at the State Capitol at 4:00 pm followed by a march to the Xcel Center. Individuals and groups will then demonstrate their opposition to the war in Iraq and the wars at home on immigrants, workers, low-income families, people of color and the queer community. Demonstrators will utilize creative and diverse tactics to resist war and injustice under a banner of, “No peace for the war-makers.”

The Sept. 4 demonstration has been endorsed locally by the Welfare Rights Committee, Communities United Against Police Brutality, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and Students for a Democratic Society; nationally groups include the Troops Out Now Coalition and the International Action Center. The Anti-War Committee will continue to seek endorsements and reach out to groups locally and nationally in an effort to build a powerful demonstration that will draw thousands of participants.

Anti-War Committee member Katrina Plotz explains, “On Sept. 4, the Republicans will nominate John McCain for president, a candidate who supports endless occupation in Iraq and has threatened war against Iran. He has vowed to continue the war at home by extending Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy and by expanding free trade agreements that exploit workers and the environment. We must counter this agenda with demands of our own. We want U.S. troops out of Iraq now and an end to injustice and exploitation at home.”

Misty Rowan of the Anti-War Committee stated, “Throughout the RNC, the Xcel Center will be closed to the thousands of people whose lives are most affected by the plans and decisions of the politicians. It’s up to us to gather in the streets, converge on the Xcel Center and say no to over five years of unjust war in Iraq and to demand justice abroad and at home.”

The Anti-War Committee has been organizing rallies, protests and educational events in the Twin Cities for the last ten years. The Committee stands in solidarity with communities at home and abroad who are oppressed by U.S. policy and are committed to building a broad movement for social justice and peace.

#StPaulMN #AntiwarMovement #News #Iraq #RepublicanNationalConvention2008 #AntiWarCommittee #unjustWarInIraq

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