Fight Back! News

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Philadelphia: UNITE HERE Local 274 strikes Aramark

By staff

Philadelphia Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression Members join United Here stadium workers picket.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Philadelphia, PA – On September 26, the Philadelphia Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression members joined the UNITE HERE Local 274 picket line as Philadelphia stadium workers struggled for healthcare and a living wage.

The strikes were a culmination of negotiations which began in January of this year. Despite Aramark making over $18 billion in revenue last year, workers are still getting the shaft. At $14.11 an hour, the wages that Aramark food service employees earn are among the lowest in comparison to concession workers in other parts of the country.

Even though many UNITE HERE members are working 40 hours a week or more, none of them are receiving full time benefits including health insurance. The benefits and pay are so insufficient that workers are forced to moonlight to provide for their families. UNITE HERE 274 overwhelmingly rejected a July proposal from Aramark for a small wage increase, calling it a “slap in the face.” With no further progress after that proposal, Aramark workers from all three stadiums voted to strike.

Briheem Douglas, a leader with UNITE HERE, told the picket line, “What we are doing now for the first time is striking all three stadiums for a big raise that we deserve. Aramark thinks we can’t do it. But what has history shown us? We can stick together, we can do it!” The line cheered and chanted, “Can we do it? Yes we can! Beat Aramark? Yes we can!”

The September strike was preceded by several other strikes, and a protest on June 12 near Aramark headquarters in the Center City neighborhood. Police arrested picketers who spoke out against the low wages and lack of benefits. Among the protesters arrested was Pennsylvania State Senator Nikil Saval.

Aramark stadium workers struck at all three Philadelphia stadiums for five days. The Philadelphia Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression members joined the picket line and passed out flyers asking football game attendees to support the boycott of concessions and merchandise at the stadiums called by UNITE HERE.

In a statement condemning police repression and supporting the Aramark workers’ campaign for a dignified life, the Philadelphia Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (PAARPR) stressed a win for UNITE HERE against Aramark would be a win against police repression.

#PhiladelphiaPA #PA #Labor #Strike #UNITEHERE #Aramark #NAARPR