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NYC post-election rally demands power for the people

By staff

New York, NY – By the evening of November 3, five rallies and actions had been called throughout the city for November 4. Progressive forces began calling events that ranged from “Count All the Votes” to a non-partisan indictment of both men running for president of the United States.

The first event of the day was called by the New York Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression at 2 p.m. The Alliance is calling for Community Control of the Police in New York. Forces gathered in Columbus Circle, near one of the Trump buildings and opposite the towering statue of Christopher Columbus.

Collin Poirot, from the New York Community Action Project, and Gabriela Malespin, from New York Boricua Resistance, led the spirited rally, which was a mix of speeches and chants.

The rally was demanding that regardless of who wins the election, we must uphold the People’s Mandate. The mandate demands that we uphold community control of the police, healthcare for all, stops attacks on immigrants, etc.

During the rally, Michael Legaspi from Bayan USA gave a speech on the importance of internationalism and how the people want revolution and liberation.

Michela Martinazzi from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization gave a speech where she said, “This year has been a testament that the old can no longer continue. The fall of imperialism will come and the time for socialism is now. So after today, don't mourn our ‘democracy.’ Celebrate the people in your communities. Continue organizing, build your collectives, strengthen your neighborhoods. We have a world to win and nothing left to lose!”

The rally ended with NYAARPR forces deciding which protest to attend next, as the rest of the city continued marching. Thousands marched throughout the city, and over 40 people were arrested by the NYPD during the night.

#NewYorkNY #PeoplesStruggles #NAARPR #NYAARPR

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