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New York to remember 17 years of war

By staff

Protest in Times Square against Trump dropping huge bomb on Afghanistan in 2017.

On Sunday, October 7, at 3 p.m., various anti-war and international solidarity organizations will be gathering to mark of the 17th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan.

The event, titled “From Afghanistan to Yemen, End the Wars: NY Tour,” will be a rally in Herald Square, including chants and speeches relating to Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Korea and other places around the world being threatened by the U.S.

October 7 is an important date because it is when the U.S invaded Afghanistan after 9/11 in 2001. The U.S. remains there to this day. Since then, the U.S. has been at war with or threatened attacks on Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Korea and many others.

The three slogans of the rally are “End the Wars,” “U.S. Troops and Bases Out” and “Money for Jobs, Education, and Healthcare.”

The action is being co-hosted by Committee to Stop FBI Repression, International Action Center, and International League of Peoples’ Struggle, with many more endorsing and attending. For more information, go to the Facebook event here (

#NewYorkNY #NewYorkCityNY #International #AntiwarMovement #Afghanistan #Asia #PeoplesStruggles #AfghanistanWar #InternationalActionCenter #InternationalLeagueOfPeoplesStruggle #CommitteeToStopFBIRepressionNYC

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