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MN SEIU condemns deal to end government shutdown

By staff

St. Paul, MN – Service Employee International Union (SEIU), Healthcare Minnesota and SEIU Minnesota State Council President Julie Schnell condemned the budget compromise reached July 14 by Governor Dayton and GOP legislative leaders.

Schnell stated, “To protect Minnesota families from the most draconian cuts in the short term, Governor Dayton felt that he must concede to the fiscally irresponsible budget demands of the GOP leadership who have used their government shutdown to take middle class and working Minnesota families hostage in an effort to protect the richest 7700 Minnesota tax filers, over half of which aren’t even Minnesotans.”

“On the contrary, SEIU does not believe that we should give in to the demands of the GOP leadership, who have refused to negotiate in good faith and who would use the state’s children, middle class and working families as a human shield to protect 7700 multi-millionaires from having to share any of the burden of the state’s fiscal problems, resulting from the past eight years of shifts and gimmicks under Tim Pawlenty.” said Schnell.

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