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Minneapolis demands “Justice for Oscar Grant”

By Steff Yorek

March in Minneapolis to protest verdict in police murder of Oscar Grant March in Minneapolis to protest verdict in police murder of Oscar Grant (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Minneapolis, MN – 100 people took to the streets of South Minneapolis July 9 to demand justice for Oscar Grant. Over a year ago, on New Year's Day 2009, Oscar Grant, a young African-American man, was murdered by a police officer. He was shot in the back as he lay on his chest on a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) platform in Oakland, California.

People marched two miles down Lake Street, to the cheers of onlookers, protesting Grant’s murder and demanding an end to police brutality. This protest was one of many around the country.

#MinneapolisMN #PoliceBrutality #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #OscarGrant

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