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Milwaukee County Palestine ceasefire resolution moves to board of supervisors

By staff

Pro-Palestine protesters demand Milwaukee County board adopts a ceasefire resolution. | Fight Back! News/staff

Milwaukee, WI – On Monday, March 4, after a five hour meeting that included 162 people offering public testimony, the Milwaukee County Committee on Intergovernmental Relations failed to recommend the unamended permanent ceasefire resolution to the full Milwaukee County board of supervisors meeting set for March 21. Despite this, the resolution is moving on to the full board, just without formal recommendation.

The overwhelming majority of people who spoke at the meeting expressed support for the permanent ceasefire resolution. Yet, two members of the Committee on Intergovernmental Relations voted against it. The meeting resulted in a 2-2 vote because the fifth member of the committee exited the meeting before the final vote. With a tied vote, the resolution could not receive the committee’s recommendation.

Before and during the meeting, county supervisors who opposed the original resolution made feeble attempts to introduce substitutes that made no mention of the genocide or a ceasefire. Although the committee did not approve its recommendation, the original resolution survived the late efforts to undermine it and is headed to the full county board for possible adoption.

The Wisconsin Coalition for Justice in Palestine will be working diligently in the lead-up to the full county board meeting to secure the resolution’s adoption. Should the resolution be adopted, Milwaukee County will join the over 100 municipalities in the U.S. that are demanding an immediate ceasefire and an end to the genocide of Palestinians.

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