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Milwaukee: 200 march for a free Palestine

By Daniel Ginsberg

Milwaukee protest against attacks on Gaza

Milwaukee, WI – The declaration of a cease fire didn't stop 200 people from marching in downtown Milwaukee, Nov. 22, in response to a week of Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip. Protesters demanded the bombing of Gaza stop and called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel.

A statement by the Milwaukee Committee to Stop FBI Repression read, “We were pleased with the turnout to the emergency call to action to stop the bombing of Gaza and end U.S. funding of Israel. These people understood the importance of coming together to oppose U.S. support for Israel and making a stand for the Palestinian people. Government repression of Palestine solidarity activists from Hatem Abudayyeh to the Holy Land 5 will not stop us. We look forward to meeting with organizers in the next few weeks to plan more antiwar and Palestine solidarity events in the near future.”

The march went up and down Wisconsin Avenue, chanting, “Free Palestine!” and “Palestine will be free.”

A wave of young people from Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee joined the downtown protest, a day after their own spirited demonstration on campus.

“We stand here in solidarity with the Palestinians and we will continue to fight until the struggle is over. We must boycott, divest and voice ourselves because we, the people, have the power to make change. As we continue to work towards a free Palestine, our collective efforts will not go unnoticed. We demand the U.S. to cut aid to Israel and we demand the injustice to be ceased,” said Jameela Asmar of SJP.

As the march approached the old downtown Federal Building, protesters gathered together for a speak-out. Organizers from SJP, SDS, Occupy Milwaukee, Youth Empowered in the Struggle, American Muslims for Palestine, Iraq Vets Against the War, Friends of Palestine Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Committee to Stop FBI Repression rang out their support for the struggle for a free Palestine and vowed to continue the fight.

#MilwaukeeWI #AntiwarMovement #Gaza #SDS #Palestine #StudentsForJusticeInPalestineSJP #OccupyMilwaukee #MiddleEast

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