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Houston activists protest Republican attack on Chicanos/Mexicanos

By Fabian Van Onzin

Texas protest against anti immigrant legislation.

Houston, TX – The Republican Party in Texas is intensifying its campaign against Chicano and Mexicano people by pushing for new repressive laws in the Texas legislature. Texas Governor Greg Abbott and his henchmen are seeking the support of the Greater Houston Partnership, an organization of liberal business leaders.

The Republican Governor is attempting to push through his anti-immigrant legislation – Senate Bills 185, 1819, and 3.

A group of activists from the Frente Interdependiente De Latinos Unidos (FILU) and other civil rights groups protested outside of the headquarters of the Houston Partnership on April 30. They held signs reading, “Bienvenidos a los immigrantes,” “Don't ask for my papers,” and “Stop the racist attacks on immigrants.”

“These laws will require police to check immigration papers, eliminate in-state tuition for undocumented students and create a state border security force. We are here to denounce the anti-immigrant agenda, which is a direct attack on the Latino community,” explained Victor Ibarra of FILU.

The activists planned to deliver petition signatures to the spokesperson for the Greater Houston Partnership. However, when entering the building, security blocked the way and asked people to leave. Shortly after that, Houston police arrived and threatened to arrest anyone who set foot inside the building.

It was clear to protesters that the Greater Houston Partnership is a partnership of big business against the people, seeking to exploit undocumented labor for super-profits. As big business continues its attacks on Chicano and Latino people, immigrant rights protesters will continue to demand justice.

#HoustonTX #PeoplesStruggles #immigrantRights #Antiracism #Texas

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