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Green Bay, WI: Family of Jonathon Tubby vows to continue fight for justice

By Aodhan Bowman

Press conference demands justice for Jonathon Tubby.

Green Bay, WI – The family of Jonathon Tubby, an Oneida Nation man killed by the Green Bay Police Department in October 2018, has vowed to continue fighting for justice even after a federal judge dismissed their wrongful death lawsuit against the city. Speaking at a May 23 press conference, on the Oneida Nation Indian Reservation, the Tubby family responded to Judge William Griesbach's decision with a renewed call for changes to the policing system in the United States.

“Judge Griesbach had a great chance to make some changes, he could've created the start of systematic change,” said Sue Doxator, Jonathon's aunt. “He missed out on this opportunity for so many people.”

Doxator continued, “It shows how deeply rooted the corruption is, and how much harder we have to fight for these changes to accountability and justice and to make sure people feel safe in their own town.”

The family also revealed that Brown County had sent them a bill for over $19,000 to cover the costs of investigating the killing of their own family member, highlighting again how the legal system in America punishes those who try to seek actual justice.

Asked whether they will pay the bill and what the plan is going forward, the Tubby family said they are appealing the decision in the 7th Circuit Court and will continue to fight for justice and police accountability for Jonathon and all victims of police crimes.

#GreenBayWI #OppressedNationalities #PeoplesStruggles #IndigenousPeoples #PoliceBrutality #Antiracism #OneidaNation #JusticeForJonathonTubby #GreenBayPoliceDepartment

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