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FRSO condemns U.S. State Department for Cuba ‘terrorism’ designation

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) condemns the January 11 U.S. State Department designation of socialist Cuba as a “State Sponsor of Terrorism.” In the few days it has left to remain in power, the Trump administration is trying to implement every reactionary measure it can dream up, all the while calling good “evil” and evil “good.”

The State Department announcement of the ‘terrorism’ designation faults the Cuban government for some of the great things it does. For instance, Cuba helps the national democratic government of Venezuela, and provides a refuge to fighters for Black Liberation such as Assata Shakur. The announcement also complains that Cuba does not respect the State Department’s absurd and stupid listing of national liberation organizations, like the National Liberation Army (ELN) of Colombia, as “Foreign Terrorist Organizations.” FRSO salutes Cuba for this correct and principled stand.

As a practical matter, putting the “State Sponsor of Terrorism” designation on Cuba will add another layer of sanctions and serve to strengthen the U.S. blockade. Since the moment that the Cuban people broke the chains of U.S. domination, and embarked on the socialist road, Washington has done everything in its power to strangle the Cuban revolution. Like the Bay of Pigs invasion, attempting to assassinate President Fidel Castro umpteen times, and the U.S. blockade – the U.S. has failed in the past and it will continue to fail in the future.

Socialist Cuba stands as a beacon of hope to the oppressed peoples of the Americas. Its health and education systems are models that the whole world can learn from. Cuba has contained the pandemic. Compare that to the United States where the for-profit health system and the anti-science attitude of the Trump administration is responsible for a death toll nearing 400,000.

Hypocrisy is never in short supply in the United States. Trump sent a racist mob to the Capitol building with the intent of negating the election. The idea that this government should ever lecture anyone on democracy is a joke. The U.S. sponsors torture states around the world, like the regime in the Philippines or the Zionist occupiers of Palestine. U.S Airforce drones, controlled from Nebraska, kill families in Afghanistan. ‘Sponsors of terrorism’ is what U.S. policy makers see every time they look in the mirror.

Long live socialist Cuba! End the U.S sanctions. End the U.S. blockade! Return Guantanamo to Cuba!

#UnitedStates #Cuba #PeoplesStruggles #frso #Americas

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