Denver students celebrate Black History Month
Some of the participants in Denver SDS Black History Month event. (Fight Back! News/staff)
Denver, CO – Denver Students for a Democratic Society hosted local Denver activist Shareef Aleem for an event about radical Black history in the U.S., Feb. 25, as a part of Black History Month. At the event, Aleem discussed the history of radical Black activism, as well as how Black art and culture has been seized and stolen for generations. Aleem, an activist for over 20 years, has been involved in numerous groups, particularly in the peace movement and in the movement for police accountability.
“Anything Black people have in this country, somebody spilled their blood over,” Aleem noted in his speech. Aleem then went on to mention slave rebellions, actions against white supremacy, and the founding of groups like the Black Panther Party as part of the tradition of radical Black activity.
Aleem stated that reparations for slavery have not been given to Black people in the U.S.
Aleem urged the audience to learn about and celebrate Black history beyond Dr. King, encouraging people to gain an understanding about the Black Panthers, Nat Turner, Marcus Garvey, and the histories of jazz, blues, rock and roll, hip-hop, and punk. Aleem finished by reminding that “Black resistance continues; we don’t always know how it will look, but it continues.”
#DenverCO #PeoplesStruggles #AfricanAmerican #DenverStudentsForADemocraticSociety
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