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Coalition to March on the RNC files lawsuit against city over permit denial

By staff

Omar Flores, co-chair of the Coalition to March on the RNC, announces a lawsuit to get march permit.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Milwaukee, WI – After a year of denied permits for their proposed march, the Coalition to March on the RNC 2024 has filed a lawsuit against the city of Milwaukee.

Along with a watered-down “free speech zone,” the city of Milwaukee has stoked repression by trying to implement “hard” and “soft” security zones around the Fiserv Forum, where the Republicans are planning to select their 2024 presidential nominee this July.

The city government offered no details or insight on these security zones, and hasn’t been clear where the city’s proposed “parade route” will be. Despite this, the coalition is determined to march within sight and sound of the Fiserv Forum along their own proposed route, the same one their permit applications have requested.

Democrat Mayor Chevy Johnson, has rolled out the red carpet for the GOP’s racist and reactionary leaders, supported by a city that is trying to suppress people’s constitutional rights by denying them the right to assemble. The location for the “free speech zone” has been proposed at a great distance from the Fiserv Forum, not within sight and sound. The parade route proposed by the city is expected to be within the same parameters.

The coalition, which consists of almost 100 grassroots organizations, is expected to attract thousands of people for the family-friendly march on Monday, July 15. They are united under five points of unity: Fight the racist and reactionary agenda of the Republican Party; defend women's, LGBTQ and reproductive rights; defend and expand immigrant rights; peace, justice and equity for all, and stand with Palestine.

“We’re not going to agree to anything less than within sight and sound of the Fiserv Forum,” remarked Omar Flores, co-chair of the Coalition to March on the RNC 2024. “It’s a shame we have to resort to this to get a response from the city.”

The city of Milwaukee has yet to respond to the lawsuit.

#MilwaukeeWI #WI #PeoplesStruggles #RNC2024 #RNC #LGBTQ #ImmigrantRights #WomensMovement #Trump #Feature

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