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Atlanta FRSO condemns attacks on pro-Palestine student protest

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization - Atlanta District

Police arrest pro-Palestine activists at Emory University.  | Fight Back! News/staff

In a radical act of solidarity with the Palestinian people, university students across the country have escalated the struggles on their campuses with the campus encampment movement. At Emory University in Atlanta, students, faculty and community members created one such encampment demanding for the immediate and total divestment from the Israeli apartheid state. The Atlanta Police Department and Georgia State Patrol were called to the encampment by the Emory administration where they brutalized, beat and arrested dozens of protesters.

The Atlanta District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the violence and arrests perpetrated by APD and GSP. This is an attack on the student and Palestinian liberation movements – movements that have agitated, mobilized and organized day after day for the complete and total liberation of Palestine. We echo the demands of students at Emory University calling for the university's divestment from apartheid and demand that any and all charges on protesters be dropped immediately.

The U.S empire is crumbling, and these acts of repression are the last gasps of a dying empire. The Atlanta district of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization stands in total solidarity with the students at Emory and will continue to organize to drop the charges on arrested protesters and fight for a free Palestine.

Protesting is not a crime, drop the charges now!

Divest from Israeli apartheid!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

#AtlantaGA #GA #FRSO #Statement #StudentMovement #Emory #Columbia #Occupy #Encampment #AntiWarMovement #International #Palestine #MiddleEast #Feature