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NWA Strikers Rally, Will Continue Fight

By mick

Snap of flier with lots of words on it Snap of flier with lots of words on it

Bloomington, MN – More than 800 aircraft mechanics and their supporters rallied here Nov. 19, expressing their determination to continue the fight against Northwest Airlines. Members of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) have been on strike since Aug. 19. They rejected an NWA contract proposal that would have eliminated 53% of the mechanics’ jobs and given the remaining workers wage cuts. Since August, the contract proposals of NWA have gotten worse and the company has hired permanent replacement workers – scabs.

At the Bloomington rally a standing ovation was given to NWA workers in other unions who have refused to cross the picket lines. Phyllis Walker of AFSCME Local 3800 thanked the strikers for standing up to corporate greed, and by doing so defending the interests of all workers. Other speakers included the heads of other AMFA locals, high school students who are members of Youth Against War and Racism and Ray Rogers, director of Corporate Campaign, Inc.

#BloomingtonMN #News #AirlineIndustry #AMFAStrikeAgainstNorthwestAirlines #AircraftMechanicsFraternalAssociationAMFALocal33 #NorthwestAirlinesMachinistsStrike #Strikes

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