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News and Views from the People's Struggle

135th anniversary of Marx’s passing marked in Philippines

By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following March 14 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines – North Central Mindanao Region (CPP-NCMR).

The Communist Party of the Philippines – North Central Mindanao Region (CPP-NCMR) unites with the people around the world in commemorating Karl Marx’s 135th death anniversary, in light with the Party’s celebration of his 200th birth anniversary this year.

On the 14th of March 1883, while the proletarians around the world were in grief at the loss of the great thinker Marx, they also attained more ardor on the other hand to perpetuate his theoretical foundations to verify and advance it in the revolutionary practice. We are commemorating the death of Marx, but most of all, we are celebrating the fact that Marxism is very much alive among the revolutionaries and people around the world.

Marxism is prominent in correctly expounding dialectical and historical materialism as fundamental philosophical guide in understanding and changing the world. Marx practically elucidated to the working class the concrete forms of oppression they suffer through his meticulous investigation in the political economy. He sharply pointed out that capitalism will inevitably deteriorate and scientific socialism will then pave way for the demolition of the class to achieve communism.

Marx noticeably introduced the decisive role of the proletariat in realizing Communism. It would only be the proletariat, who are property less, who would arduously endure to attain a classless society, even to his death’s door. The proletariats around the world concretely practiced this, and several countries had proven its correctness such as China and Russia.

Furthermore, in light with commemorating Marx’s death anniversary, we also pay the highest honors to all heroes and martyrs who have made the greatest sacrifice in order to advance the cause of the national democratic revolution. We give our salute to Comrade Mamerto Piscadero, Manuel Jabagat, Julito Tiro Jr., and other 200 revolutionary martyrs in the region. Just like Marx, they did not hesitate to give their lives for the liberation of the oppressed and exploited class.

More than ever, let us continue to enliven and advance Marxism in all aspects of our revolutionary duties. Amid the intensified offensive of imperialist powers on the economic, political and cultural aspects of the toiling masses, Marxism is becoming more valid and justified. Let us constantly banner the call “Workers of the world, Unite!”

#Philippines #PeoplesStruggles #CommunistPartyOfThePhilippines #Marxism #Socialism #KarlMarx #Asia

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