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5 years after police murder of Jamar Clark, justice demanded in North Minneapolis

By Sam Martinez

Five year anniversary of police murder of Jamar Clark marked in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – On November 14, over 150 people gathered in North Minneapolis to honor the five-year mark since Jamar Clark was killed by the Minneapolis Police department on November 15, 2015. It also marks the five-year anniversary of the heightened struggle locally against police terror and its progression to demand community control of the police to stop killer cops.

New and veteran members of Twin Cities Coalition 4 Justice 4 Jamar (TCC4J) lead the protesters from the neighborhood that Minnesota Attorney General Elision lives in, to the memorial site of Plymouth and James Avenues, where Clark was killed.

Precautions against COVID were taken, including shifting to a well-organized car caravan protest.

In addition to the call for justice for Jamar and TCC4J’s longtime demand of community control of police, the demands for the march include calls to: -- Reopen all the cases against killer cops -- Free all political prisoners, such as Myon Burrell and the protesters who were jailed during the summer uprising -- Ban the use of memory-altering drugs and reassess EMT training, specifically addressing the racial bias within it; hold EMTs accountable for their complicity with the police in administering drugs such as ketamine, and their delaying treatment of victims.

Speakers from the movement, families and TCC4J echoed the lessons learned in the struggle for justice for Jamar and to continue to build the movement. TCC4J encourages people to attend the new member meetings to build the fight for CPAC!

#MinneapolisMN #PeoplesStruggles #PoliceBrutality #JamarClark #civilianPoliceAccountabilityCouncilCPAC #TwinCitiesCoalition4JusticeForJamarTCC4J

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