Dallas rallies against war with Russia
Texas protest against war with Russia. (Fight Back! News/Staff)
Dallas, Texas – On March 6, over 30 anti-war protesters showed up at the Grassy Knoll in downtown Dallas to condemn NATO's involvement in Ukraine, its hostility to Russia, and to call for the disbanding of NATO. The protest was called by the Dallas Anti-War Committee, CODEPINK Dallas, Dallas Peace and Justice Center, Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialist of America, and Party for Socialism and Liberation. Signs present at the protest included “Peace in Ukraine! No to NATO!” “No to NATO expansion” and “Abolish NATO!”
“Over the past couple of weeks, a war has broken out between Russia and Ukraine. The American media and government tend to ascribe Russian aggression as to the reason for this war. This war, however tragic it may be, however is not the result of Russia simply deciding to invade and annex Ukraine. The causes for this war can be traced several decades ago with the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and its subsequent expansion decades later,” stated Cassandra Swart of the Dallas Anti-War Committee.
#DallasTexas #DallasTX #International #AntiwarMovement #Europe #PeoplesStruggles #NATO #NoToNatoNoToWar #Ukraine #NoWarWithRussia
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