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5000 in Minneapolis protest police murder of Black man in no-knock warrant

By staff

Thousands march demanding justice for Amir Locke.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 5000 people marched in protest here February 5, to demand justice for Amir Locke, a 22-year-old Black man murdered by police on February 2. Police were carrying out a no-knock search warrant on the apartment where Locke was sleeping and shot him three times, nine seconds after they snuck open the door. Protesters demand jail, prosecution and murder charges for the officer who shot Amir and those who planned the raid; an end to no-knock warrants; and the resignation of the Minneapolis Police Chief Huffington and Mayor Frey.

There have been multiple protests since the murder of Amir Locke, including a 100-plus vehicle car caravan through downtown, organized by CAIR-MN the night before Saturday’s protest.

The February 5 protest was initiated by the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar (TCC4J), endorsed by over a dozen groups. Amir’s father Andre Locke and other family member were the featured speakers.

#MinneapolisMN #OppressedNationalities #PeoplesStruggles #AfricanAmerican #PoliceBrutality #Antiracism #MinneapolisPoliceDepartment #TwinCitiesCoalition4JusticeForJamarTCC4J #AmirLocke

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