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UWM students protest against budget cuts

By staff

Milwaukee protest against Walker's cuts to higher education.

Milwaukee, WI – On May 5, a flash protest of about 50 students occurred at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee campus to call on students to take action to resist the cuts that form part of the 2015-17 Wisconsin budget proposal, in which Governor Scott Walker insists on a $300 million cut to the UW system.

For UWM, it means about $40 million in cuts from overall state funding. Such a big loss would most likely translate in the shrinking on liberal arts departments, cultural resource centers, fewer staff, fewer faculty and larger class sizes, according to the Coalition to Save UW, made up of UW faculty, staff and students across the state.

The demonstration was organized by Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) at UWM, in collaboration with the Save Our UWM Coalition. The student protesters passed out leaflets, chanted and performed mic-checks, in which they engaged the audience in their call to action. The mic-check ended with, “We can rise together, or we will all fall together.”

Chris Antimo, who led the march, said, “It takes a little reminder sometimes, by a group of individuals like the ones today to let students know that their efforts aren’t in vain.”

Amaerani Torres, also with YES, stated her concerns regarding the cuts, “Resources and programs will be cut, especially those offered to minority students and those in the art school. I believe this is all of our fight if we want to progress in further education, and one that we cannot stand to lose.”

The demonstration ended with a call to students to get involved in the organizing efforts by YES, Progressive Students of Milwaukee and the Save Our UWM Coalition.

#MilwaukeeWI #PeoplesStruggles #GovernorScottWalker #education

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