Utah SDS crashes regents lunch demanding tuition freeze
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Salt Lake City, UT – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered on campus, Jan. 22, to demand a tuition freeze. They marched from the Student Union building to the university's law building where they entered the lunch that the State Board of Regents was holding with the presidents of every local university and college that are part of the state’s high education program. They delivered a short speech, and chanted, “Fight, fight, fight, fight. Education is a right!” and “Chop from the top.”
“We have had enough, this is the year students will push back,” said Michael Christian, a University of Utah student and member of Students for a Democratic Society.
#SaltLakeCityUT #StudentsForADemocraticSocietySDS #UtahStudentsForADemocraticSociety #tuitionFreeze
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