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Texas students hold Trump piñata bash

By staff

Arlington, TX – The Progressive Student Union at the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA) held a Dump Trump Piñata Bash, Feb. 9, to protest the presidential candidate's racism and xenophobia. Around 30 students gathered around a piñata made to look like Donald Trump. Some took pictures and others took videos, while still others took turns striking the piñata. Candy flew on the grass with each swing.

Mark Napieralski, an organizer with Progressive Student Union, had this to say about the event: “People had great fun beating Trump's effigy, but it will not be as easy to destroy the racism and reactionary politics that he represents. Trump represents a nasty shift to the right in this country's politics, though most of the other candidates are not far behind him. This event today demonstrates that many people are ready and willing to resist the shift.”

This is the first event of the semester for the Progressive Student Union at UTA and organizers hope this trend of turnout for events will continue for PSU as the semester follows.

#ArlingtonTX #StudentMovement #Antiracism #Elections #DumpTrump #ProgressiveStudentUnion

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