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Tampa rally demands justice for Tyre Nichols and others killed by police

By staff

Tampa demonstration in response to national and local police murders.

Tampa, FL – On Saturday, February 4, protesters gathered in downtown Tampa demanding justice for Tyre Nichols and others who were murdered by the hands of police nationally and locally. The protesters held banners that called for community control of the police and “convict killer cops.”

Police across the country began the year with the murder of Keenan Anderson on January 3, at  the hands of LAPD. Anderson was a father, teacher, and cousin to a founder of Black Lives Matter. January 7 was the brutal assault on Tyre Nichols by Memphis PD, which resulted in his death only three days later. Nichol’s was a father, photographer and FedEx worker. Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán was shot dead by Georgia State Patrol during a protest against the controversial “Cop City.”

“The fight doesn’t end until the community’s needs are met. The demand is an end to police terror and community control of the police is how we get there, and we’re dedicated to keep fighting until we get what we deserve,” stated David Jones from the National Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression – Tampa.

The behavior of the police in the murder of Tyre Nichols can only be described as barbaric. After having already pepper sprayed and tased him, the police proceeded to beat him for another three minutes. The initial claim which the police officers made for stopping Tyre Nichols was reckless driving. In the state of Tennessee reckless driving is a misdemeanor and a fine of upwards of $500, not a death sentence. No one should have to fear for their life at a traffic stop, and police must be held accountable for their actions.

Tampa, like the rest of the country, is no stranger to police sanctioned violence within its city limits. In 2014, the 14-year-old Andrew Joseph III was killed due to police negligence. Only just last year was some justice delivered for the death of Andrew Joseph III and not without struggle from his family and the community. Others who were murdered by the police within Tampa include Josiah Pinner, Jonas Joseph and Dominique Mulkey.

“We want the Tampa communities to have the power to fire and jail killer cops! To defund the police! To end racist programs like biking and renting while black! Oppressed nationalities including African Americans have a right to self-determination,” said Simon Rowe, a member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

It has been nearly three years since the George Floyd uprising, yet the police are setting records as 2022 had the highest rate of police killings in the past decade.

As long as people are willing to fight and stand against police crimes and fight for community control of the police, justice will eventually be served.

#TampaFL #PoliceBrutality #StopPoliceCrimes #TyreNichols

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