On November 18, news media reported the Biden administration authorized sending long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine to be used in the U.S. proxy war against Russia. This is an especially dangerous escalation by the Biden administration, because it simultaneously authorizes U.S.-sponsored missile strikes into pre-2014 Russian territory. This is something the Biden administration had stated was a red line for Russia.
Minneapolis, MN – On Tuesday, October 3, more than 20 people gathered outside the office of Minnesota State Senator Amy Klobuchar to demand an end to U.S. involvement in the war in Ukraine. The event was a response to a national call by the Peace in Ukraine Coalition and the United National Antiwar Coalition for activists all across the country to unite in demanding an end to U.S. weapons shipments to Ukraine and U.S. Interference in negotiations.
Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) held a rally on Sunday, October 1, in response to a call from the United National Antiwar Coalition to condemn the funding the U.S. continues to provide to pursue their policy of an endless war in Ukraine. The rally took part in a coordinated week of action called for by UNAC on the war in Ukraine held in many cities. Chants like “Biggest threat in the world today? NATO and the USA!” rang out as passersby honked in support.
The event began with emphasis on recent history in Ukraine, starting in 2014 with the U.S.-backed coup. As Western media continues to frame the war as an irrational attack by Russia on an innocent and peaceful Ukraine, MAC continues to stress that this is an inter-imperialist war between the U.S. and Russia, orchestrated and set off by the insatiable greed for power and resources of the U.S.
Stephanie Splatin of MAC spoke of the years of shelling of ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine leading up to the war, conveniently ignored in the mainstream narrative of the war. The weapons used then and now are supplied by the U.S. and swiftly end up in the hands of right-wing extremist groups so often used to further U.S. interests at the expense of innocent lives.
“Neither U.S. weapons nor U.S. sanctions have had their intended effect against Russia. No longer able to impose its will through brute force, declining U.S. imperialism foments instability and proxy conflicts, which it attempts to steer toward its interests” said Ryan Hamann of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), who spoke at the event. “The U.S. is trying to use the war in Ukraine to destabilize Russia, while bringing Ukraine into the orbit of U.S. monopoly capital. This means prolonging the war for as long as possible, no matter the human cost.”
The Milwaukee Anti-War Committee and United National Antiwar Committee (UNAC) plan to continue to hold events in the future protesting the U.S. and NATO involvement in Ukraine, and offering a principled analysis of the war instead of the constant pro-war and pro-Ukraine views parroted by western media.
Milwaukee, WI – Over 20 people gathered at Zao MKE Church to attend the “No to NATO!” teach-in hosted by the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee on May 6. In response to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee (MAC) held this event to challenge the pro-NATO narrative pushed in the U.S. Presented by MAC member Stephanie Spalatin and her mother Mira Spalatin, attendees learned about some of the crimes NATO has committed both in the present in Ukraine and in the past in places like the former Yugoslavia, as well as a general framing of NATO as an offensive and not defensive apparatus of U.S. and European Union. imperialism.
Denver, CO – On February 25, Freedom Road Socialist Organization in Denver held a teach-in to mark the one year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine at the Hooked on Colfax coffee shop in downtown Denver.
Minneapolis, MN – Over 70 people joined an anti-war protest on May 7 to say no to U.S. wars. The action had a particular focus on calling for the U.S. to stop sending weapons and military aid to Ukraine and to stop escalating the conflict.
What we are experiencing in this moment of history is not only the potential of World War III, but the unconcealed struggle of U.S. monopoly capitalism to establish its dictatorship internationally. While accusing Russia of threatening the world with nuclear war, it is U.S. imperialism which continues to buttress the most reactionary forces in all capitalist countries; it is our country which consistently steers a course supporting fascist dictatorships the world over.
Dallas, Texas – On March 6, over 30 anti-war protesters showed up at the Grassy Knoll in downtown Dallas to condemn NATO's involvement in Ukraine, its hostility to Russia, and to call for the disbanding of NATO. The protest was called by the Dallas Anti-War Committee, CODEPINK Dallas, Dallas Peace and Justice Center, Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialist of America, and Party for Socialism and Liberation. Signs present at the protest included “Peace in Ukraine! No to NATO!” “No to NATO expansion” and “Abolish NATO!”
Seattle, WA – Braving the freezing cold and rain, around 70 to 80 people gathered at Westlake Park, February 26, to demand no more U.S. wars. The rally, hosted by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) Seattle alongside several endorsing organizations, featured speakers calling for an end to U.S. intervention and military action in Ukraine as events in the region unfold at a breakneck pace.
Miami, FL – Events are unfolding quickly surrounding Ukraine. It is therefore imperative that the anti-war movement in the United States mobilize for peace and against any further possible escalation by the United States. This means demanding: no war with Russia, no to NATO expansion, and no to sanctions.
Minneapolis, MN – Fight Back! News interviewed Meredith Aby-Keirstead, a founding member of the MN Anti-War Committee, on February 27 for her anti-war perspective on the crisis in the Ukraine and the proxy war developing between the U.S./NATO and Russia.
Minneapolis, MN – On February 24, around 30 people demonstrated outside U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office in downtown Minneapolis with signs and banners calling for no war with Russia and an end to U.S. intervention in Ukraine. Held less than 24 hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops into Ukraine, the protest came amidst a jingoistic frenzy of calls by Western governments and media for actions against Russia.
Dallas, TX – On February 5, a crowd gathered at the Grassy Knoll in downtown Dallas to protest threats of war by the United States and NATO against Russia. The protest was organized by the Dallas Anti-War Committee, CODEPINK Greater Dallas, Dallas Peace and Justice Center, Party for Socialism and Liberation Dallas-Fort Worth, and Veterans for Peace North Texas. The rally was a part of a national day of action in which over 50 cities participated.
New York, NY – Dozens upon dozens of organizers and anti-war activists gathered at two different rallies to protest the U.S. military threats against Russia.
Minneapolis, MN – On February 5, 100 protesters gathered at Mayday plaza on the West Bank in Minneapolis to oppose U.S. war with Russia and further intervention in the Ukraine. Protesters held signs that read “No war with Russia,” “Fight COVID not Russia” and “Money for housing, not for war.”
Minneapolis, MN – On February 5, 100 protesters gathered at Mayday plaza on the West Bank in Minneapolis to oppose U.S. war with Russia and further intervention in the Ukraine. Protesters held signs that read “No war with Russia,” “Fight COVID not Russia” and “Money for housing, not for war.”
Minneapolis, MN – A coalition of organizations will hold a “No War with Russia” protest Saturday, February 5 in Minneapolis. The protest will start Saturday at 11 a.m. at the corner of 3rd Street and Cedar Avenue S (301 Cedar Avenue S) on the West Bank in Minneapolis. There will be speakers from a number of organizations, followed by a neighborhood march that will go past the office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar.
Minneapolis, MN – A coalition of organizations will hold a “No War with Russia” protest Saturday, February 5 in Minneapolis. The protest will start Saturday at 11 a.m. at the corner of 3rd Street and Cedar Avenue S (301 Cedar Avenue S) on the West Bank in Minneapolis. There will be speakers from a number of organizations, followed by a neighborhood march that will go past the office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar.