Minneapolis, MN – More than 100 workers rallied here March 12 against a proposed cut to the Regents Scholarship, a benefit that allows University of Minnesota employees to take classes without paying tuition.
Minneapolis, MN – After being on strike for nearly three weeks, workers at the University of Minnesota returned to work on September 21. They went back to work still angry at the U administration, but better organized and determined to carry forward the struggle for economic justice. University clerical, health care and technical workers in four unions struck after the U administration refused to give them the salary increase that other state workers received and that the state legislature had budgeted for them to keep up with inflation. Members of AFSCME Locals 3260, 3800, 3801, and 3937 went on strike all over the state on the second day of the school year, September 5, after months of negotiations.
Minneapolis, MN – State Senators John Marty and Patricia Torres-Ray and State Representative Frank Hornstein held a press conference, Sept. 18 support of striking University of Minnesota AFSCME workers.
Minneapolis, MN – Ten registration, scheduling and insurance processing staff who had been working at Boynton Health Services joined the picket lines, Sept. 13. When asked why they joined the picket lines all agreed that, “We wanted to join the picket lines to support all of our co-workers who have been out on the lines before us.” Tammy Harris, Boynton outpatient clinic assistant said, “I went out on strike because I want change.”
Minneapolis, MN – University faculty and students held a press conference, Sept. 11, to decry disruptions caused by the strike and demand the University come back to the table with a fair wage offer.
Minneapolis, MN – Sept. 10 marked day 6 of the strike by University of Minnesota AFSCME. Picket lines remain strong as does worker participation in the strike. The strike is having a growing impact on the University of Minnesota.
Minneapolis, MN – Amid cheering striking workers, students and faculty, Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards, spoke in support of University of Minnesota clerical, technical and health care workers, Sept. 5. The rally was one of the high points in the first day of the strike.
Minneapolis, MN – Last week the University of Minnesota AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) heard from 72% of its members that the Aug. 10 offer of 2.25% and 2.5% were not acceptable wage proposals. They rejected this offer and voted to authorize a strike.
Minneapolis, MN – The Bureau of Mediation Services has ordered the University of Minnesota AFSCME's strike date to be Sept. 5, instead of Sept. 4, the date the union expected. The mediator has called both parties back to the mediation table tomorrow, Aug. 29.
Minneapolis, MN – Four union locals representing over 3,500 workers at the University of Minnesota are preparing for a strike on the first day of classes for a decent wage increase. On August 10th, the union negotiating committee unanimously recommended that workers reject the U administration’s contract offer and authorize a strike.
Minneapolis, MN – Workers at the University of Minnesota are fighting for a wage increase. On June 13, members of U of M AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) packed the room and testified at the University on Minnesota Board of Regents public hearing on the budget. They told the regents that union members’ salaries have lost about 5% of their value compared to inflation since 1994. Meanwhile, the university president’s salary has gained almost 80% in value above the rate of inflation, and all other high-end administrators have also gained salary increases well over the rate of inflation.
Minneapolis, MN – On Jan. 13, hundreds of janitors, the majority Latino and Somali immigrants, held a spirited meeting at the Minneapolis Labor Center and voted nearly unanimously to authorize a strike. The multinational crowd chanted, “Yes we can do it!” in Spanish (“Sí se puede!”) and in Somali (“Haa wakarna!”). When the vote was taken to authorize a strike, members held up signs reading “Yes! Sí! Haa!” (‘yes’ in English, Spanish and Somali).
Minneapolis, MN – “After our strike two years ago, we were ready to sit down and negotiate a good contract this year. But U of M management started off by undermining our negotiating committee and attacking me as local president because we have stood up for our members and for justice,” said Phyllis Walker, president of AFSCME Local 3800 and co-chair of the Clerical and Health Care workers’ negotiating committee.
Minneapolis, MN – After a 45-day strike, Twin Cities transit workers reached a tentative agreement on a new contract, April 13. Despite vocal opposition in the media by some members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005, the contract was ratified with 72% voting in favor. The final scorecard was clear – retiree medical benefits were eliminated and wage increases were only 1.5% over three years. While there were some gains from the employer’s final pre-strike offer, the union was able to get back only a portion of the millions of dollars the employer saved by not operating buses during the strike.
Minneapolis, MN – More than 100 people gathered here May 1, May Day, for a celebration of International Workers’ Day. Speakers from key Minneapolis and St. Paul battles, including organizers of the clerical workers’ strike at the University of Minnesota and the 46-day transit workers’ strike, addressed the standing room-only crowd. The event was organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Minneapolis, MN – After months of negotiations with the Metropolitan Council, 2200 Twin Cities bus drivers, dispatchers, maintenance and clerical workers went on strike at 2:00 a.m., March 4. The transit workers, members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005, last struck in 1995.
Minneapolis, MN – A growing number of organizations representing poor people and bus riders are demanding a restoration of bus services and an end to the 29-day-old transit strike. The demands fly in the face of Governor Tim Pawlenty's arguments that the strike is having no effect and that mass transit is not necessary.
Minneapolis, MN – More than 700 strikers and their supporters demonstrated here, March 12, to demand justice for workers on strike against Metropolitan Transit. The action was organized jointly by AFSCME Local 3800, a local of University of Minnesota clerical workers who were on strike themselves just months ago, and transit workers of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005.
Minneapolis, MN – After months of negotiations with the Metropolitan Council, 2200 Twin Cities bus drivers, dispatchers, maintenance and clerical workers went on strike at 2:00 a.m., March 4. The transit workers, members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005, last struck in 1995.