Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Carlos Reyes

Occupation is a Crime

On Saturday, August 12th, thousands of people marched through the streets of San Francisco chanting “One-Two-Three-Four, We don’t want your racist war! Five-Six-Seven-Eight, Israel is a terrorist state!” to protest the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Thousands of Arab Americans, waving flags of Lebanon and Palestine, brought both a militant and mass character to the march.

Arab-American Women

Fund health and education not occupation

Lebanon flag

Lebanon flags

#SanFranciscoCA #AntiwarMovement #News #Palestine #Imperialism #Lebanon #2006IsraeliInvasion #Zionism #Arabs #MiddleEast

By staff

What happened to Dr. Wen Ho Lee was a crime. His jailers are the ones who belong behind bars.


By Naomi Nakamura

San Francisco, CA – Chanting “Free Wen Ho Lee!” more than 150 people rallied in front of the San Francisco Federal Building, June 8, for a National Day of Action to protest the government's persecution of Dr. Wen Ho Lee. Dr. Lee was an employee of Los Alamos National Laboratory, which designs and builds nuclear weapons. He was jailed and charged with providing an unnamed foreign power with information on atomic weapons.