Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By J Burger

Hombre con pancarta exige justicia

Chicago IL – Los funcionarios del local 743 del sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) en Chicago jamas luchan en contra de los patrones. No organizan huelgas, y dicen a los miembros que una huelga es una cosa mala. El resultado es contratos pobres, aumentos cada vez menores, personas que no son miembros del sindicato haciendo trabajos de los miembros, y la desaparencia de beneficios que en un tiempo eran decentes. Los 14,000 miembros del local 743, que son trabajadores de industria, oficinistas, de bodegas y de cuidado de salud, ya están hartos.

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By Redacción

Richard Berg con Tom Leedham

Chicago IL – En una decisión sorprendiente, integrantes del local número 743 del Sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) votaron a favor de una planilla de delegados de tendencia democrática de la base a la convención de su sindicato, rechazando a otra planilla dominada por funcionarios y por títeres del presidente nacional de la unión Jimmy Hoffa Jr. La convención internacional del sindicato establece las posiciones políticas del organismo y nomina los candidatos para la presidencia internacional y la Junta Ejecutiva del mismo.

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By staff

Chicago, IL – The University of Chicago Hospital employed Richard Berg as a housekeeper for 16 years. In 2004, they fired him at the request of Bob Walston, the criminal that was principal officer in Teamsters Local 743, Berg’s union. Berg had led the New Leadership Slate (NLS) that had twice won in local elections that year, but each time had been denied their elective offices by the massive theft of votes by Walston’s gang. The gangsters decided to eliminate the challenge once and for all: if Berg didn’t work in a Local 743 shop, he couldn’t be a member of the union and could never run for office again.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Five union reformers entered the offices of Teamsters Local 743 Dec. 31 to receive keys to the union hall from their opponents who had lost election in the fall. The old president Richard Lopez knew he was defeated and that he might be going to jail.


By staff

Fight Back! has been a supporter of the reform movement in the Teamsters since we began publishing, but the struggle inside Teamsters Local 743 began years earlier. We interviewed Richard Berg, the president-elect of Local 743 about the history and meaning of the victory over the sell-out gangsters that dominated that union for so many years.


By staff

Fight Back! interviewed Richard Berg, a candidate for vice-president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters on the Tom Leedham Strong Contracts, Good Pensions Slate. Berg is also a key rank-and-file leader who has spearheaded the fight against corruption in Chicago’s Teamster Local 743. The outcome of the Teamsters election is vital for all working Teamsters and will impact the direction of the labor movement as a whole.


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Chicago Worker Richard Berg Assaulted by Mobster

Las Vegas, NV – Richard Berg, a long-time leader in the Teamster reform movement in Chicago, was assaulted at the International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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Group of labor folks, posing for picture.

Chicago, IL – Richard Berg stood with workers who are members of Teamsters Local 743 in front of the Russian Turkish Bathhouse on Division Street. “This place is run by the mob. Everyone knows it,” stated Berg, presidential candidate for the Teamsters Local 743 reform group, the New Leadership Slate (NLS). “Our local is run by gangsters as well. We want it back.”


By staff

Chicago, IL – Are Jimmy Hoffa’s days numbered as president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters? Many rank-and-file activists think it is time for a new leader. Chicago Teamster activist Adrian Esquivel said, “Hoffa broke every promise he made, it’s time we elect a real Teamster with the strength and courage to turn this union around.”


By staff

Chicago, IL – It wasn’t the usual lunch hour. Everyone that walked past the University of Chicago administration building saw it. Students, community activists, members of SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Local 73, the Illinois Nurses Association and the Teamsters Local 743 marching together, all united to fight for reform Teamster, Richard Berg.