Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Cannon Atkinson

Salt Lake City protesters on 12th anniversary of U.S. war on Iraq

Salt Lake City, UT- A dozen people gathered in front of the Wallace F. Bennet Federal Building on March 20 to protest on the anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.


By C. R. Manor

Jerrail Taylor speaking at Salt Lake City protest against police killings

Salt Lake City, UT – Chants of “No justice, no peace, no killer police!” and “Hands up, don’t shoot!” filled the streets here, Aug. 20, with about 100 people rallying at the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building. Organizer Fatima Badran urged protesters to make two phone calls: the first call to Salt Lake City police chief Chris Burbank one demanding justice for Dillon Taylor and the second to Missouri Governor Dixon to demand that he withdraw the National Guard from the streets of Ferguson. People must be allowed to have their democratic rights to address injustice without living under a military occupation.


By staff

Meeting at Salt Lake Community College about Multicultural Initiatives Dept

Salt Lake City, UT — On Wednesday, June 11, more than fifty students, faculty, and community members attended a meeting to discuss the fate of campus space used mainly by African-American, Chicano, Pacific Islander, Asian American, American Indian, and international students. Addressed by Interim Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) President Deneece Huftalin, students expressed alarm that the Multicultural Initiatives Department and the related space in Student Engagement are being taken away. The Multicultural Initiatives Department offices surrounded a large open space where various nationalities meet to study, relax, and find community.


By Derek Clark

FRSO May Day event in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, UT – Six speakers, along with about 40 workers, activists and community members, gathered for a panel discussion to recognize International Workers' Day, May 1. Hosted by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the panel covered a range of issues including working class and union struggles, the immigration struggle, immigration reform, the current state of imperialism and government corruption. Alyssa Faith moderated the event.


By Gabriella Anderson

Salt Lake City action in solidarity with Rasmea Odeh

Salt Lake City, UT – On Nov. 13, the October 7th Anti-War Committee hosted a rally joined by Workers World Party and the Revolutionary Students Union to demand the U.S. government drop the charges against Rasmea Odeh. Rasmea Odeh is a Palestinian-American community organizer and international solidarity activist who has held U.S. citizenship for over 20 years. The U.S. government charged Odeh with an immigration violation, alleging she violated the law by not identifying her arrest by the Israeli army more than 40 years ago. The U.S. government is engaging in clear political repression.


By Josh West

April 6 protest protest at Wells Fargo

Provo, UT – Students and community members protested in front of the Wells Fargo building on April 6 to voice their opposition to Wells Fargo’s hypocritical marketing. Wells Fargo deeply invests in privately owned prisons through firms like Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the largest private prison company in the U.S.


By David Newlin

Utah vigil for Trayvon Martin

Salt Lake City, UT – Trayvon Martin's death sparked outrage and also a movement to combat the racism that led to his murder at the hands of George Zimmerman. On the one-year anniversary of his death, Utahans met as part of that movement to both mourn his passing and learn about racism, police brutality and how to fight them.


By Alyssa Ferris

Salt Lake City, UT – On Feb. 12, anti-war and international solidarity activist Jess Sundin visited Salt Lake City to lead a workshop entitled “Combating Male Chauvinism in the Revolutionary Movement.” The workshop was hosted by the Revolutionary Students Union and attended by students, activists and members of the community.


By David Newlin

Salt Lake City, UT – State-sponsored repression and infiltration of anti-war groups is nothing new. But it can certainly take on new and particularly nasty forms, as Jess Sundin can tell you.


By staff

The Student Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) recently met and made plans to build the movement on campuses around the U.S.


By David Newlin

Homeland Security sends dog

Salt Lake City protest November 16

Salt Lake City, UT – In response to brutal attacks by Israeli forces on the Palestinian territory in Gaza, Salt Lake rallied in solidarity on Friday, Nov. 16. Protesters called for an end to the violence and the ongoing Israeli occupation.


By Alyssa Ferris

Confrontation outside ALEC conference

Salt Lake City, UT – On July 25, members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) arrived at the Natural History Museum for their annual conference. ALEC is the brain trust behind the Arizona anti-immigrant law SB1070 and the Wisconsin union busting laws of Governor Scott Walker. Two dozen protesters confronted the lobbyists at the entrance of the ALEC conference. The action was organized by the Revolutionary Student Union, a group that is a member of the ALEC Welcoming Committee.


By Tom Burke

Salt Lake City, UT – FBI agents are harassing anti-war and anti-NATO organizers as the big protest against the U.S.-led NATO military alliance approaches on Sunday, May 20, in Chicago. On May 11, Gregory Lucero’s mother awoke him in their family home, saying, “The FBI is here and would like to speak to you.” Lucero came downstairs to find three FBI agents, two white men and a white woman, who wanted to ask him questions about the upcoming protest against NATO.


By David Self Newlin

Salt Lake City protest demands "justice for Trayvon Martin"

Salt Lake City, UT – More than 1000 people marched through the streets of downtown here, March 31, with Trayvon Martin posters and peace signs waving. Marchers raised their fists in the air and shouted, “Justice for Trayvon, justice for everyone!”


By Emily Lacock

Salt Lake City, UT – On March 9, six students from five clubs met with the Utah Valley University President Matthew Holland. The students were demanding the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression in the school anti-discrimination policy. Students also want policy changes in hiring and education opportunity.


By Chris Manor

Salt Lake City protest demand rights for immigrants

Salt Lake City, Utah – Activists gathered here, July 16, for an emergency action outside the National Governors’ Association Conference, protesting the Grand America Hotel’s attack on immigrants. Last year Utah legislators passed SB 251, which requires all businesses with more than 15 employees to use the E-verify system to track workers. However, the Utah state government refused to include any penalties for businesses that refuse to use E-verify, in part because the politicians did not want to hurt big corporations that exploit immigrant labor. The Grand America Hotel bosses set a July 6 deadline for all of the employees. The bosses require that all workers reapply and either show the necessary documentation or face immediate termination. However, the bosses extended this deadline one month, to Aug. 6 in order to ensure staffing at the Governors’ Conference.

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