Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jess Sundin

Rasmea Odeh speaking to supporters after Detroit plea agreement hearing

Detroit, MI – On Tuesday, April 25, Palestinian icon Rasmea Odeh was joined in Detroit by supporters from across the Midwest at a federal court hearing on a plea agreement reached last month, on a single violation of immigration law.


By staff

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Detroit, MI – A major mobilization is underway to support Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh at her appearance in Detroit Federal Court, on Tuesday, April 25, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. A solidarity rally at starts at 1:00 PM and the hearing begins at 2:30 p.m., at U.S. District Court, 231 W Lafayette Boulevard, downtown Detroit.


By Rasmea Defense Committee

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee.

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WHEN: Tuesday, April 25th, 2017, at 1:00 PM Eastern Time (rally at 1:00 PM, hearing starts at 2:30 PM)


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee.


By staff

Detroit, MI – Michael Deutsch, Jim Fennerty, and the rest of the legal defense team for Rasmea Odeh are gearing up for trial, now scheduled for May 30. New motions filed this week put the question of Israel and its torturers front and center, and will be considered at a hearing on April 25 (moved from April 4).


By staff

Rasmea Odeh

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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The U.S. has a long history of women rising up against their bosses and demanding economic justice. The first industrial strike in the U.S. was in May 1824, when 102 women workers in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, left their looms after the mill’s owners announced a wage cut. They refused to return to their stations and, instead, gathered the rest of the workers (including children) and took to the streets. They marched to the factory owner’s house while throwing rocks and shouting obscenities. Before the strike ended, the protests affected factories in eight nearby towns. The workers only returned when the factory owners reinstated their wages.


By staff

Prosecutors “vindictive” after losing on appeal

Today, Jan. 31, the lawyers defending Palestinian American activist Rasmea Odeh moved to dismiss the new indictment that was brought against her in December 2016. The motion and supporting brief argue that the government’s “superseding indictment has substantially broadened the scope of the trial and the evidence that will be relevant and at issue.”


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following appeal from the Rasmea Defense Committee.

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Please continue to support the defense fund by making a generous donation NOW!


By Rasmea Defense Committee

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Dec. 21 statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee.