Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Joe Iosbaker

At the hospital of the University of Illinois at Chicago, one of the most recognized union stewards is Randy Evans of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73. With 33 years of employment as a Building Service Worker (BSW) in Environmental Services, and 18 years of service to his coworkers as a steward, you would think that Randy would have a place of honor at the medical center.


By Randy Evans

Radio personalities Cliff Kelly, Monique Caradine and Nate Clay

Chicago, IL – It was standing room only when radio personalities Cliff Kelly, Monique Caradine and Nate Clay spoke on Thursday, May 9. Community activist Randy Evans hosted the event for Global Reach, an organization at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago. The program, held at the Center for Inner City Studies, aimed its fire at Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories and the occupation's U.S. backers.

#ChicagoIL #News #AfricanAmerican #CliffKelly #MoniqueCaradine #NateClay #RandyEvans #GlobalReach #NortheasternIllinoisUniversity #CenterForInnerCityStudies #IsraelsOccupationOfPalestinianTerritories

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