Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By brad

Protest at Minnesota Capitol March 26 demands drivers licenses for all

Saint Paul, MN – More than three hundred Latino immigrants and supporters rallied in the Capitol rotunda and marched to Governor Dayton’s office March 26 to press Governor Dayton and House Speaker Paul Thissen to pass HF348, the bill for drivers licenses for all. The rally was organized by Mesa Latina and supported broadly by the immigrant rights movement.


By brad

Dreamers hablan en la reunion el 14 de marzo apoyando las licencias para todos

Minneapolis, MN – Con la nueva sesión legislativa en marcha, la campaña para las licencias de conducir para todos se está reanimando en Minnesota. El movimiento por los derechos de los inmigrantes está movilizándose para presionar a la legislatura estatal y al gobernador Dayton para que aprueben una propuesta de ley que otorga igualdad básica a los inmigrantes en el asunto de las licencias de conducir.

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By brad

Dreamers speak at the March 14 meeting for drivers licenses for all in Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – With the new legislative session underway, the drivers licenses for all campaign is kicking back into high gear in Minnesota. The immigrant rights movement is mobilizing to press the state legislature and Governor Dayton to pass a bill that would grant basic equality for immigrants.