Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Brad Sigal

May Day march in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Several hundred people marched for nearly three miles in south Minneapolis May 1 for immigrant and workers’ rights. The march on International Workers Day was initiated by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and endorsed by 46 organizations and unions, including the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Regional Labor Federations and many individual unions.


By Michela

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New York, NY – Several hundred people gathered in Union Square Park to rally and march in celebration of International Workers Day, May 1. The event was pulled together by over 60 organizations, under the leadership of the organizations in the International League of Peoples’ Struggle.


By staff

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Chicago, IL – More than 500 people, mainly union members, assembled at the moment in Haymarket Square, May 1, to mark International Workers Day. Raymond “Mong” Palatino spoke on behalf of the largest trade union federation in the Philippines, the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) or May First Movement.


By staff

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San Jose, CA – On May 1, more than 500 people marched from the Chicano/Mexicano community on the eastside of San Jose to downtown, where they rallied at City Hall. A broad range of community, labor, and student groups participated.

#SanJoseCA #MayDay #PeoplesStruggles #CA #SanJosé

By staff

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Tampa, FL – Organized workers and student activists gathered at Centennial Park in Tampa, April 28, to celebrate the victories, past and present, of the working class.


By staff

Jess Sundin, Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 125 people gathered together for the Twin Cities Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s annual International Worker’s Day program, April 28. The night started with dinner and conversation. Childcare was provided.


By Jose Maria Sison

Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson, International League of Peoples´ Struggle.

Fight Back New Service is circulating the following May 1 statement by Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson, International League of Peoples´ Struggle.


By staff

International Workers Day marked in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, UT – Shouts of “Stand up! Fight back!” echoed off the buildings of downtown Salt Lake City April 28 as more than 40 people gathered to celebrate working-class victories on May Day.


By staff

LA protest against privatization of public education.

Los Angeles, CA – This spring has brought a rising tide of protests in the in the primarily Chicano communities of East Los Angeles (ELA) and Boyle Heights. The community has taken to the street to protest privatization of public schools, for student rights, and against police terror. Preparations are underway for a powerful May Day protest that will unite the community on the many issues, with the main demands being “Legalization for all” and “No deportations.”


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Labor and immigrants vs. billionaires and bigots

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This year, International Workers Day on May 1 is important for the labor and immigrant rights movements. For over a year now, the people have faced an onslaught of attacks from President Trump’s right-wing administration. Trump’s White House wants to enact the agenda of billionaires and bigots at all costs, whether through tax breaks for the rich, or through cruel raids and deportations of immigrants that rip families apart.