Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Mass murderer Payton Gendron and text from his white-supremacist manifesto.

On Saturday, May 14, Masao Suzuki, chair of the Joint Nationalities Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) expressed outrage at another white supremacist mass murder. “Three years ago, white supremacist Patrick Crusius drove hundreds of miles to kill Chicanos and Mexicanos in El Paso, Texas,” said Suzuki. “Then today another young white supremacist, Payton Gendron, also drove into Buffalo, New York to attack the African American community.” Eleven of the 13 people Gendron shot were African American, and ten died.


By staff

Milwaukee vigil remembers victims of mass shootings.

Milwaukee, WI – On August 5, a variety of non-profit and local religious organizations hosted a Vigil Against Hate, in remembrance of those killed in Oak Creek, Wisconsin; Gilroy, California; El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett made an appearance, along with a few other local politicians. Around 100 people showed up to the vigil to express solidarity with victims of white supremacist violence, which is impressive given the fact that the event was organized in 24 hours.


By staff

Washington DC – “La Organización Socialista del Camino a la Libertad (FRSO) condena enérgicamente el asesinato en masa realizado en El Paso”, dijo Masao Suzuki, presidente de la Comisión de Nacionalidades Conjuntas de FRSO. Sobre el tirador dijo: “Con una cuenta de Twitter gustando el hashtag BuildtheWall y una foto de armas que deletrean a Trump, está claro que la motivación para este crimen de supremacía blanca está determinada por los ataques racistas de Trump”.

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