Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By brad

Massive June 20 immigrants rights march in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – As part of a national day of action on June 30 to #KeepFamiliesTogether, thousands of people poured into the streets of Minneapolis to march against the Trump administration’s attacks on immigrant families. The crowd was certainly larger than the police estimate of 7000, which is the number that the corporate media parroted. Some march marshals estimated 20,000, and one of the organizations that led the march announced the crowd size to be 30,000 people.


By staff

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Miami, FL – About 500 activists rallied and marched in downtown Miami to demand an end to the deportation, detention and separation of immigrant families. Protesters marched from Miami Dade College to Freedom Tower, demanding an end to Trump's cruel and racist immigration policies. Activists chanted, listened to poignant speeches, and held signs that read, “No one is illegal on stolen land” and “Keep families together.”

#MiamiFL #KeepFamiliesTogether