Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Jennie Eisert speaking at March 19 protest in St Paul, MN

St. Paul MN – More than 600 people marched and rallied here, March 19, calling for an end to the U.S. war in Afghanistan and an end to the continued U.S. occupation of Iraq. The Twin Cities protest was one of many that took place across the U.S. to mark the eighth anniversary of the start of the war and occupation of Iraq.


By staff

Marching against wars and occupations March 20

Minneapolis, MN – Over 600 people joined a Minneapolis anti-war march and rally on Saturday, March 20, to mark the seventh anniversary of the start of the U.S. war in Iraq with a call for an end to the wars and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.


By staff

Leslie Parks speaking at MLK weekend protest

Minneapolis, MN – Under the call of “Foreclose the war, not people's homes,” more than 100 people joined a protest here to mark the Martin Luther King holiday weekend. Demonstrators gathered at the home of Leslie Parks, an African American woman who is fighting back against the attempt to foreclose on her home. Later, participants gathered at Saint Joan of Arc Church. The events were organized by the Iraq Peace Action Coalition and the Minnesota Coalition for a People's Bailout.


By staff

- The Iraq Peace Action Coalition (IPAC) has plans for a public protest of U.S. policy in Iraq. The protest will mark the 9-year anniversary of the imposition of economic sanctions against Iraq.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN - More than 200 people demonstrated June 30 in downtown Minneapolis at the Hennepin County Government Center plaza, demanding that the U.S. government, “End the war in Iraq, end the occupation and bring the troops home now!” The event was sponsored by the Iraq Peace Action Coalition, an organization made up of Twin Cities area peace and justice groups.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – In December, a year of US threats finally escalated to a full-scale, military assault on Iraq. The bombing campaign caused thousands of Iraqi deaths, and destroyed hospitals, roads, phone lines and civilian factories. President Clinton launched the attack in the midst of impeachment proceedings, in response to a report by chief weapons inspector, Richard Butler. Millions of people around the world protested the attacks, which ended in four days. Protest actions in Minneapolis mobilized hundreds each day.


By staff

women on bullhorn

Minneapolis, MN – Over 200 people joined a anti-war protest here Oct. 11. The protest was organized under the slogans of “Bring the troops home now,” “Out of Iraq, out of Afghanistan, no war on Iran,” and “Funds for housing and human needs – not war!”