Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By C. R. Manor

New Years Eve protest against police brutality in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City, UT – Utah Against Police Brutality rang in the New Year with a rally here at the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building. Around 50 people braved the freezing temperatures to hear speeches against the ongoing police brutality in the U.S. In the state of Utah, police murders are outpacing those committed by drug dealers, gang members and child abusers.


By staff

Salt Lake City, UT – The Utah County Attorney justified the shooting death of 22-year-old Darrien Hunt by white police officers Schauerhamer and Judson. Hunt was confronted by the Saratoga Springs police officers on September 10. He was carrying a toy sword as a prop while cosplaying, dressed as an anime (cartoon) character. Someone who saw him walking on the street called 911 and reported him as suspicious. Within minutes, Hunt was shot dead while being questioned by police.


By Alyssa Ferris

Salt Lake City, UT – Over 100 activists gathered at the Salt Lake City Public Safety Building, Oct. 22, to protest police brutality. The protesters demanded justice for Darrien Hunt, the most recent victim murdered by police in Salt Lake City, as well as all victims brutalized by police. Carrying signs that read “Comply or die is not the law” and holding photos of their loved ones murdered by the police, the crowd chanted slogans including, “From Ferguson to SLC, end police brutality,” and “Not a penny, not a dollar, we won’t pay for police to slaughter.”