Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By James Jordan

August hearing shows no grounds for her arrest

Alliance for Global Justice volunteer, Raquel Mogollón, was in attendance at the trial of political prisoner Liliany Obando Aug. 4 in Bogotá, Colombia. Based on her eyewitness report, the hearing revealed manipulation of evidence behind the charges being brought against Obando.


By James Jordan

Bogotá, Colombia – Liliany Obando is powerful. She is one thousands of Colombian political prisoners. For a year now, I have known Liliany through letters. We finally met face-to-face on three occasions, during a delegation sponsored by the U.S.-based Campaign for Labor Rights and the Colombia Action Network. I represented the International Network in Solidarity with Colombia’s Political Prisoners.


By Eric Gardner

Bogotá, Colombia – En julio de este año, un grupo de activistas anti-guerra viajó a Colombia en una delegación de derechos humanos organizada por la Red de Acción de Colombia. La delegación se reunió con sindicatos, asociaciones de granjeros y organizaciones estudiantiles. FENSUAGRO, la Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria de Colombia, hospedó a los activistas estadounidenses. La delegación visitó regiones rurales y fue testigo de las condiciones de vida de los campesinos colombianos.

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By Eric Gardner

Bogotá, Colombia – U.S. anti-war activists traveled to Colombia in July on a human rights delegation organized by the Colombia Action Network. The delegation met with trade unions, peasant farmer associations and student organizations. FENSUAGRO (Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria, or the National Federation of Agricultural Farming Unions), Colombia’s national federation of peasants, hosted the U.S. activists. The delegation visited rural regions and documented the living conditions of Colombian peasants.