Oil, War and Afghanistan
Statement of the Emergency Committee Against U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan
News and Views from the People's Struggle
Statement of the Emergency Committee Against U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from the New China News Agency on the celebration of Serfs Emancipation Day in Tibet.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Professor Sison on the legal persecution that is be waged by Dutch authorities against him. Jose Maria Sison is a leading figure in the movement to free the Philippines from U.S. domination and he deserves the support of all progressives.
Every progressive person should condemn the arrest of Professor Jose Maria Sison by authorities in the Netherlands. Sison’s arrest by Dutch police on trumped-up murder charges is an attempt to criminalize the liberation movement of the Philippines and to silence the voice of the Philippines’s most important revolutionary. Professor Sison has lived as a political refugee in the Netherlands for 20 years. It is the hidden hand of the Bush administration that is pressuring the Netherlands to take actions against Sison, including freezing his bank account and stripping him of his right to work. This arrest is political, not criminal.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement on the arrest of Professor Sison, a well-known leader of the struggle to free the Philippines from exploitation and foreign domination.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Jose Maria Sison, of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, on the threat by U.S. Admiral Timothy Keating to escalate military intervention in the Philippines.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following press statement from the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. The statement deals with the rape of a Philippine woman, called Nicole, by a U.S. Marine. The case has attracted a huge amount of attention in the Philippines.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Democratic Front of the Philippines on devastation caused by typhoon Durian and the relief efforts organized by the progressive movement there.
The government of Nepal is in trouble. Nepal is ruled by King Gyanendra, who shared power with an elected legislative assembly until Feb. 1. On that day, King Gyanendra abolished the assembly, banned the legal political parties in the assembly and arrested their leaders and censored the media and Internet.
As of April 24, Nepal's King Gyanendra appears to be nearing his last days in power. Huge mass protests of hundreds of thousands of people are defying a shoot-to-kill curfew after 19 days of a general strike. Massive crowds are gathering on the outskirts of the capital, Katmandu, and attempting to move slowly into the city in the face of the Royal Nepal Army shooting into the crowds. Presumably the protesters are trying to get to the center of Katmandu to the Royal Palace, which was cordoned off a couple days ago with barbed wire and military troops.