National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression denounces U.S. criminal interference in Cuba
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression denounces U.S. criminal interference in Cuba
News and Views from the People's Struggle
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression denounces U.S. criminal interference in Cuba
Chicago, IL – Noam Chomsky, Gilbert Achcar, Paul Le Blanc, Suzi Weissman, Tithi Bhattacharya, Charlie Post, Robert Brenner, Gayatri Spivak, Alex Callinicos, Ashley Smith, Eric Toussaint, Marc Cooper, Etienne Balibar. These are a handful of the over 500 signatories on an open letter directed to the blockaded Cuban government on July 12 demanding “respect for the democratic rights of all Cuban people” and the release of “dissident Marxist” Frank García Hernández and his comrades from jail after the protests of July 11.
Tucson, AZ – After a record six weeks of ballot counting and false claims of fraud by right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori, Pedro Castillo was officially announced the newest president of Peru, on the evening of July 19. Castillo, from a poor peasant background and the candidate of the Peru Libre party, found support in the masses of poor and working Peruvians fed up with the lack of response to COVID-19 and the high rates of unemployment. Equally important is the defeat of “Fujimorismo” the far-right ideology of neoliberalism and chauvinism of former President Alberto Fujimori, Keiko’s criminal father.
Fight Back News is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The working people of Cuba are mobilizing to defend the Cuban revolution and drive pro-U.S. reactionaries from the streets. The Cuban people are united in overcoming the costly U.S. economic embargo and subversion. Cubans steadfastly refuse to return to being a colony controlled by the U.S. Older Cubans remember when it was a playground for American millionaires and gangsters, with widespread poverty, abuse of workers and death an everyday part of life.
¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó un líder del sector de Juventud del Frente Sandinista Liberación Nacional, Rosalía Bohórquez. ¡Lucha y Resiste!: ¿Con cuáles organizaciones estás un integrante?
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from revolutionary and anti – imperialist organizations and parties in support of the people’s movement in Colombia. Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is among the signers.
¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Cristiano Mayta, un sindicalista peruano y un internacionalista, el 10 de junio esperando los resultados oficiales de la elección presidencial. ¡Lucha y Resiste!: ¿Cuál es su organización?
¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Cristiano Mayta, un sindicalista peruano y un internacionalista, el 10 de junio esperando los resultados oficiales de la elección presidencial. ¡Lucha y Resiste!: ¿Cuál es su organización?
_Fight Back! interviewed Rosalía Bohórquez, a leader in the youth sector of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). _
Fight Back!: What organization are you a member of?