Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – After the electoral victory of Democrat Tony Evers over Wisconsin's incumbent Republican governor Scott Walker, the Republican state senate has taken unprecedented steps to grab power back from the governor's office. Over the course of the past few weeks, the GOP-dominated state legislature held an extraordinary session at the capitol, swiftly ramming through a laundry list of powers to be transferred away from the governor's office. In short order, they passed a package of several bills which will undermine the abilities of the incoming governor and the new Democratic State Attorney General Josh Kaul, and further strengthen the GOP-controlled state senate.


By Ryan Hamann

Oshkosh protest against Kavanaugh.

Oshkosh, WI – Members of United Action Oshkosh (UAO) and UW-Oshkosh Students for a Democratic Society (UWO SDS), as well as supporters from the broader community, gathered at the Opera House Square in downtown Oshkosh to stand in solidarity with survivors and victims of sexual violence. The emergency rally was centered on the ongoing confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States, specifically related to the many rape and abuse allegations brought forward by women from his past.


By Ethan Costello

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Kenosha, WI – Protesters rallied outside the Kenosha County Detention Center, July 7. Dozens came together to demand the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in a show of solidarity with the detainees held in the center. Demonstrators hoped to raise local awareness of the impact that the federal agency has on Wisconsin’s immigrant communities, including the threats of detention and deportation.


By Alvin Jarvenpaa, Jr.

Celebration of Palestinian culture in Oshkosh, WI.

Oshkosh, WI – After their protest of the U.S. opening of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem, United Action Oshkosh (UAO) held a celebration of Palestinian culture, May 20, at Rainbow Park. The family-friendly event featured music, food and games, as well as a guest speaker, Samir Moukaddam, who lived in Lebanon among displaced Palestinians forced from their homes by Israelis.


By staff

Wisconsin students fight attacks on public education.

Madison, WI – On May 9, dozens of students, faculty, campus workers and supporters gathered on the steps of the capitol building just off of State Street in Madison, to protest the continued attacks against public education. These attacks predate Governor Scott Walker's administration but have intensified significantly since he took office in 2011. People came from Steven's Point, Eau Claire, Kenosha, Oshkosh (represented by UW-Oshkosh Students for a Democratic Society), Madison and elsewhere.


By staff

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Oshkosh, WI – On Mar. 5, more than 50 students participated in a march around the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) campus which culminated in the public announcement of a list of demands developed by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), followed immediately by the delivery of a letter containing the list to campus administration.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI — Like activists and organizers across the country, 2017 was a tremendously busy year for those in the immigrant rights struggle of Milwaukee, and the closing months were no exception.


By staff

La Crosse, WI — On August 3, a packed room of UE Local 1121 members enthusiastically voted to ratify the agreement reached with their employer, Aramark. It was the strongest contract the workers had won, with 40 cents an hour wage increases every year, their first-ever paid sick days, and a stronger safety committee. The vote came after more than three months of struggle by the laundry workers culminating with their first-ever job action, shutting down production as workers walked out on July 31.


By staff

Wisconsin protest greets Trump.

West Allis, WI – 50 protesters rallied in zero-degree weather outside the entrance to Donald Trump's ‘Thank you tour’ at the Wisconsin State Fair Park on Tuesday night, Dec. 13. The anti-Trump activists stood in the entrance to the park as Trump supporters were forced to walk through the protest to enter the Trump speaking event. After Trump supporters insulted a woman carrying a protest sign, the protesters chanted, “Pussy grabbing is not okay!”


By Redacción

Milwaukee, WI – La comunidad de Sherman Park protagonizó una rebelión parecida a la de Ferguson, después a cque un policía matara a un joven Afroamericano. El sábado 13 de agosto a las 3:30 pm, un oficial de la policía de Milwaukee mató a un joven de 23 años de edad, cerca de la intersección de la 44 St. y Auer Ave. Acusándolo de haber huido, inmediatamente después de lo ocurrido el departamento de policía emitió una declaración afirmando haber recuperado una pistola robada.

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