Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By S. Sanchez

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Minneapolis, MN – On May 3, 100 people gathered together for a demonstration remembering Jamar Clark’s 26th birthday. The event was called by the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar (TCC4J) who took up organizing and won the ‘No Grand Jury’ campaign after the Fourth Precinct Occupation.


By staff

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St. Paul, MN – The organizers of a weekly peace vigil in the Twin Cities issued an urgent last minute appeal for people to join their vigil on April 26 to make a statement against the growing danger of U.S. war in Korea.


By World Federation of Trade Unions

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement form the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) But, if you think that by hanging us, you can stamp out the labor movement – the movement from which the downtrodden millions, the millions who toil and live in want and misery – the wage slaves – expect salvation – if this is your opinion, then hang us! Here you will tread upon a spark, but there, and there, and behind you and in front of you, and everywhere, flames will blaze up. It is a subterranean fire. You cannot put it out. August Spies, 31, on August 20, 1886. One of the leaders hanged in Chicago, USA.


By Austin Jensen

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St. Paul, MN – About 48,000 people marched to the Minnesota State Capitol, April 22, at the March for Science. The crowd included kids, adults, teachers, science professionals, environmental activists and numerous supporting organizations to “show support for higher education, and the discovery, access and understanding of scientific information.”


By Eric Rivera

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New York, New York – About 50 protesters gathered at the U.S. Military Recruiting Center at the heart of Times Square, April 14. The protest was an emergency response to Donald Trump’s escalation of the war on war on Afghanistan. On April 13, a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), nicknamed the “mother of all bombs,” was dropped on what is purported to be “ISIS targets” in Afghanistan. This is a continuation of a conflict started by the U.S. and NATO 16 years ago, the longest imperialist war the U.S. has ever been in. The dropping of the MOAB on the Achin district has death counts estimated to reach up to 94 people, and a blast radius estimated at one mile.


By staff

_Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism (POWIR) _

On April 7, 2017 five anti-war activists were brutalized and unjustly arrested in a violent attack by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) during a peaceful demonstration against the war in Syria. POWIR stands unequivocally in solidarity with the five who were targets of state repression: Dave Schneider, Connell Crooms, Willie Wilder, Kristina Kittles, and Tom Beckham.


By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

_ Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)_

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine denounces the U.S. imperialist aggression on Syria. This attack aims to pre-empt any serious international or impartial investigation into the events in Khan Sheikhun and instead acts to liquidate Syrian sovereignty and support the most reactionary, violent forces, exposing the falsity of the Trump administration’s claims that it wants to “fight terrorism.”


By Meredith Aby

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Minneapolis, MN – 75 people protested in front of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office near the intersection of Washington Avenue and Interstate 35W in Minneapolis to denounce Trump’s increasing attacks on Syria, Iraq, and the threats against North Korea. The protest came days after the Trump administration launched air strikes against Syrian military air base.


By staff

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Milwaukee, WI – 40 demonstrators marched through downtown Milwaukee, April 9, in opposition to Trump’s missile attack against Syria.


By Danya Zituni

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Tampa, FL – On the morning of April 7, President Trump ordered the U.S. military to attack Syria, firing over 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syrian government targets near Homs, Syria’s third largest city. The Russian Defense Ministry stated that only 23 of 59 missiles struck intended targets, with the majority assaulting nearby villages. Syrian media sources are reporting at least nine civilians died in the attack, including four children.