Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Clio Jensen

Seattle Homegrown workers denounce layoffs and union busting at press conference.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Seattle, WA – On the afternoon July 25, workers at Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches held a press conference outside Homegrown/Artisan Premades headquarters to condemn CEO Brad Gillis’ sudden announcement that he intends to close ten of the 12 Homegrown restaurants on September 15, putting over 150 people out of work.

Gillis’ announcement comes just three months after workers, members of Unite Here Local 8, ratified their first union contract, following a militant two year contract campaign. During the event, workers at various Homegrown locations came forward to give statements to the press that had gathered. Many of them expressed devastation, as well as shock, at the closures and how they received the news.


By staff

Macon, GA – Workers at Kumho Tire in Macon won their battle to join the United Steelworkers (USW) despite the corporation’s relentless and illegal campaign to thwart their organizing rights.


By staff

Macon, GA – Workers at Kumho Tire in Macon won their battle to join the United Steelworkers (USW) despite the corporation’s relentless and illegal campaign to thwart their organizing rights.


By staff

Marinette, WI – 300 workers at Aurora Medical Center Bay Area in Marinette, Wisconsin are fighting back against management’s attacks on their right to organize. These attacks include using the expiration of their contract to cease dues check-off, offering poverty wages, and consistently extending bargaining by conveying misleading and inaccurate information to workers. These tactics are a vicious attack on working people and our ability to provide for our families.


By Richard Blake

Protest demands U.S. Postal Service (USPS) stop using non-union labor at Staples

Jacksonville, FL – Protesters from the Jacksonville Progressive Coalition stood outside of a local Staples retail store, Feb. 8, demanding that the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) stop using non-union labor at Staples. In order to cut costs, the Postal Service recently opened up mail centers at participating Staples stores around the nation as part of a test program. Instead of employing union postal workers with good pay and benefits, these new centers are staffed by underpaid, non-union retail workers.


By Cherrene Horazuk

Minneapolis, MN – The Supreme Court heard oral arguments this week in Harris v. Quinn, and the ruling could have a devastating impact on public sector workers and their unions.


By Charla Schlueter

SITEL workers picket  Sept. 5

Asheville, NC – SITEL workers and community members came out on the afternoon of Sept. 5 for a lively picket, supporting SITEL workers’ right to organize. Picketers held signs opposing SITEL’s union busting practices. One read, “United we bargain – divided we beg.”


By J Burger

Indianapolis, IN – The rich and powerful, also known as the 1%, are at it again in Indiana. Under the claim of trying to bring more jobs to Indiana, the Republican majorities in both houses and the governor look to pass a so called ‘right to work’ bill soon. It is straight up union busting. The first week of January, the Democratic caucus remained out of the State House, preventing the union-busting bill from being brought up.


By staff

Columbus, OH – Unions won a major victory in Ohio with the repeal of Senate Bill 5 (SB5). Ohio Governor Kasich lost this round when his union-busting bill stirred thousands of grassroots labor activists and their allies to organize the electoral repeal of the legislation. 2 million Ohioans came out and voted against Senate Bill 5, winning a huge victory for working people. Nearly two-thirds of voters rejected Issue 2, the referendum on the proposed law.


By Peter Shapiro

My local newspaper chose a strange way to honor workers on Labor Day. On page one, they printed a New York Times story warning that, thanks to its “generous labor contracts,” the U.S. Postal Service is about to go out of business.