Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jonathan Waring

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Gainesville, FL — On July 16, sixty University of Florida students and Gainesville activists marched from the Alachua County Courthouse to Gainesville City Hall to protest the recent US-backed Israeli attacks on Gaza.


By staff

Regina Joseph testifies against nomination of John Thrasher.

Tallahassee, FL – On May 21, at a meeting of the Florida State University Presidential Search Advisory Committee, Tallahassee Dream Defenders spoke out against the nomination of Senator John Thrasher as the new Florida State University (FSU) president. Students from Tallahassee Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), FSU Progress Coalition and Graduate Assistants United joined them.


By Chris Getowicz

Minneapolis, MN – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Minnesota won a important victory this week, successfully defending itself from administrative sanctions aimed at SDS for its central role in organizing protests at Condoleezza Rice’s April 17 ‘distinguished lecturer’ speaking event.


By Preston Gilmore

Michael Sampson speaking at April 26 protest against white supremacists.

Dickson, TN – On April 26 Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) rallied outside of the Montgomery Bell Park Inn to confront a group of Nazis and white supremacists called American Renaissance or “AmRen.” Protesters held a banner, “Shut down AmRen,” and signs reading, “Hey Nazis, remember Stalingrad,” “Say no 2 racism,” and “All you fascists bound to lose.”


By Conor Munro

Gainesville, FL – On April 21, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapters from around the state of Florida gathered for an emergency rally at the State Capitol in Tallahassee. The event was organized in response to Senator Joe Negron’s blocking in the Appropriations Committee of SB1400, the bill that would allow undocumented students to pay in-state tuition at Florida universities. A small group of Republicans in the Senate is desperately attempting to prevent tuition equity legislation from being voted on, despite overwhelming support from immigrant communities, student activists and Florida’s universities. The majority of Florida voters support the bill and it has already passed comfortably in the house.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa students demand “Hands off Ukraine.”

Tampa, FL – Tampa Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and anti-war activists from the community protested U.S. interference in Ukraine at Senator Marco Rubio's office, April 16. Marco Rubio supports efforts in the U.S. Senate to increase U.S. intervention and spend billions of taxpayer dollars in Ukraine. Students made three demands at Rubio’s office on the University of South Florida campus: No more U.S. intervention in Ukraine or Crimea; Stop U.S. aid to the illegitimate Ukrainian regime; and Oppose U.S. sanctions against Russia.


By Chris Getowicz

SDS leads protest against war criminal Condoleezza Rice

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of students and community members gathered outside of Northrop Auditorium at the University of Minnesota (U of M), on the evening of April 17, to protest an appearance by Bush White House National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. Rice was speaking as an invited guest of the University’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs.


By Gage Lacharite

Tallahassee, FL – On April 14, Senator Joe Negron released a statement announcing he is blocking SB 1400. SB 1400 is a bill in the Florida legislature to provide in-state tuition for undocumented students who attend high school in Florida. Negron is blocking the Appropriations Committee from hearing the bill before the end of legislative session. The Appropriations Committee is the third and final committee that SB 1400 needs to pass through before a full Senate vote. However, a motion can still be made within the Senate to call a vote of the bill on the floor.


By staff

SDS at Austin Peay State University receives award

Clarksville, TN – On April 16 Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at Austin Peay State University was awarded recognition from the university for their efforts. They received the award at a ceremony that was attended by hundreds of students, faculty, staff and community members. SDS President Julia Casteel said, “We are all very proud tonight to be recognized for the work we do. SDS is a leading force fighting racism, sexism and oppression of all kinds both here on our campus and around the country and we plan to continue to struggle and fight for a better world.

#ClarksvilleTN #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #SDS #AustinPeayStateUniversity

By Chris Getowicz

Protest flyer

Minneapolis, MN – The University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) are organizing an April 17 protest to coincide with a speech by Condoleezza Rice – a close aide of George Bush and a war criminal to boot.